My RedState post from today about lobbyists and sex in Missouri.

I’m going to start putting links to these the day after I post ’em on RS, the better to smooth out content, but this one about a bill requiring lobbyists to disclose when they’re having sex with politicians is too funny to miss.  For given values of ‘too funny:’ which is to say, highly esoteric ones. Not that the bill will ever pass, of course. Lobbyists, remember?

DC news organization car robbed… while parked at anti-robbery press conference.

This is not irony: …well, maybe it is. “An ABC7 News car was broken into while the crew was attending a press conference held by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and Police Chief Cathy Lanier to discuss a Task Force created to fight robberies.” Well, maybe it’s not: I’m really not sure. Apparently the robber did a smash and grab while the mayor and police chief were right there: is there a brazenness exemption for irony?  Or a hold-in-utter-contempt exemption? Because both are on display, here.

Via Memeorandum.

Moe Lane

PS: I suspect that every cop in DC is going to be looking for this particular so-and-so. Or will at least give a nice payout to whoever gives him up.

“Who’s Next?”

When I first really got into Tom Lehrer, this was… well, That Was The Year That Was. In other words, by then it was just another relic of the Cold War. Which we had happened to win, and so everything was great. Which it was!

But there is never an End To History.

Who’s Next?Tom Lehrer