Item: Mage Alicia Cogstalker’s Astounding Treasure Machine.

Blame this.

Mage Alicia Cogstalker’s Astounding Treasure Machine

The existence of this magically-engineered device is prima face evidence of the existence of dimensional travel: clearly an enchanter came into contact with an automated teller machine, and loved the concept on sight.  Alas, the average late-medieval/early Renaissance culture has little hope of duplicating cathode-ray screens and transistors, to say nothing of hard-to-counterfeit paper currency.  But one may, as they say, make do.

Continue reading Item: Mage Alicia Cogstalker’s Astounding Treasure Machine.

Either Suicide Squad or Star Trek today…

…haven’t decided yet, although I suspect that Suicide Squad might be ahead on points. Also, either the Home Depot (I need childproofing stuff and maybe some twine) or the Asian market afterward. I haven’t decided THAT yet, either. Alas, the vacation is getting compressed because my kids will be coming back from their Nana’s four days early; fortunately, all the really hard craft projects were already done. The rest can be spaced out between now and Tuesday.

So, hey, the first Ramones album is forty years old this year.

AREN’T YOU EVER SO HAPPY THAT I TOLD YOU THIS? …No, wait, that’s probably just me. Most people handle this better than I do, at least publicly. The funny part is, I don’t even mind being the age that I am. I just hate it when something that I thought happened last week actually happened in, say, 1998…

Begun, the No Man’s Sky street release/leak wars have.

Apparently, if you know the right people in the right locales you can find somebody who will be willing to sell you a copy of No Man’s Sky before next week’s actual release date.  And then, if you’re Polygon and/or Kotaku, you can then get that raw gameplay footage up and then ride  the hitcount until Sony threatens to call down a DMCA on your position.  I haven’t decided how I feel about any of that, by the way.

No, really.  It’s kind of a weird situation. Not really pirating – the software company gets paid – but I can see how the practice is at least a little hinky.

The ENnies are tonight…

…and so far it looks like there’s plenty of love for The Dracula Dossier, Delta Green, Feng Shui 2, and a bunch of other stuff that I voted for. Huh. Go figure.

Everybody congratulate Ken Hite in particular, given that he every so often graces us with a comment here.

The Christopher Nolan ‘Dunkirk’ teaser trailer.

Coming out next year. It’ll be interesting to see what Christopher Nolan will do with a situation like Dunkirk; because, by all accounts, that was a… well, English may not have the precise words for it.  I still don’t know how they got all of those guys off of that beach, even if the Germans did think that letting them go would have made an armistice more likely.

I actually enjoyed the new Ghostbusters movie.

I just saw it, in fact. Now, to clarify: I liked it better than Ghostbusters 2. But then, I also liked Ghostbusters 2, more or less; so my tastes may be suspect, here. Still, the people who made this flick pretty clearly liked the original Ghostbusters; they liked the engineering toys and the made-up pseudo-scientific jargon and they truly loved the slime. So they made a vehicle for a bunch of pretty good actors to goof around in and it looks like everybody had a fine old time doing so. I have no complaints. It’s not the greatest movie that I’ll see all year, but I had a good time.

Hey, there’s a Bethesda sale going on over at Steam.

40% off a bunch of titles, including Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.  I’ve been meaning to grab both, so: cool. The sale’s also happening on Amazon, so feel free to click those links. Also: if you haven’t grabbed Skyrim yet, twenty-five bucks for the whole shebang is frankly a steal.

Adventure/Event Seed: the Chemitron Working.

Blame this.

The Chemitron Working

About the best thing that you can say about the attempt in the 1950s to create a synthetic angel was that… apparently it did not manage to infuriate the Almighty. Whatever the ‘Almighty’ even is, in this context. This is one of the problems with attempting to manipulate forces that operate at a higher level of reality than the level that you’re currently inhabiting: you’re never quite sure whether anything happened.  Well, unless you crack the Earth like an egg, or open a portal to the Universe of the Entropy Shriekers, or something like that. Something obviously happened then.

Continue reading Adventure/Event Seed: the Chemitron Working.