This is the January 14th Cook Competitive House Race Chart.

Here. 110 races: 50 competitive, 60 ‘potentially’ competitive. Democrats hold 40 of the 50 competitive seats and 45 of the 60 ‘potentially competitive’ seats.  But the relative ratios of Democrats at risk to Republicans at risk is not the question.

The question is what the January 21st Cook Competitive House Race Chart is going to look like.

Crossposted to RedState.

An alteration to the PayPal funding scheme.

Starting today, the PayPal button on the side will go directly to Neil Steven’s (the guy who hosts and designs this site) account, in order to pay for hosting and bandwidth and whatnot. As the site gets larger, the need to support its costs will be more of a burden for the guy, so please use it if you want to support the site. When I directly need to raise funds, I’ll probably do it in a main post.

Feel free to buy some ads too, while you’re at it.

Stu Rothenberg upgrades MA-SEN to ‘Toss-up.’


Late Democratic efforts to demonize Republican Scott Brown, to make the race into a partisan battle and to use the Kennedy name to drive Democratic voters to the polls could still work. But the advertising clutter in the race works against them, and voters often tune out late messages, which can seem desperate.

Reports that the Coakley campaign plans to counter this development by releasing a commercial showing their candidate strangling a puppy with an American flag have not been confirmed.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Antiwar hero Scott Ritter nabbed in teen sex sting.


A former chief United Nations weapons inspector is accused of contacting what he thought was a 15-year-old girl in an Internet chat room, engaging in a sexual conversation and showing himself masturbating on a Web camera.

Scott Ritter of Delmar, N.Y., who served as chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991-98 and who was an outspoken critic of the second Bush administration in the run-up to the war in Iraq, is accused of contacting what turned out to be a Barrett Township police officer posing undercover as a teen girl.

Via Ace of Spades, via Sweetness & Light, and color me unsurprised.  I mean, hey: UN official.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Arrests made in nuclear tech transfer to Iran.

Well. How reassuring.

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) — Three men were accused in an alleged conspiracy to illegally export nuclear technology to Iran, federal prosecutors said on Wednesday.

The three suspects, a Los Angeles resident and two Iranians, violated trade sanctions imposed on Iran, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.


An indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles on Dec. 30 charges Jiraiir Avanessian, 56, a Los Angeles resident, and Farhoud Masoumian, 42, of Tehran, with multiple violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) and the Iranian trade embargo, including smuggling, money laundering and other crimes.


A third man, Amirhossein Sairafi of Iran, was charged on Jan. 4 in a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in downtown Los Angeles for his alleged role in the scheme.

This is technically via Hot Air Headlines, but the LA Times article that it linked to somehow managed to obscure critical details.  It’s a hell of a thing when the press arm of the freaking People’s Republic of China gives you better basic information than a major American newspaper…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.