Day 2, Fulfilling the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter.

Well, the bulk of the packaging is done.

Tomorrow I do all the more persnickety ones, including the international copies. We’re still on-track for me mailing them out Wednesday, which would hopefully mean people will start getting them by the end of the week. At least, that’s the goal. And from there it’s just a matter of finishing up the sampler. With any luck I’ll have it all done two weeks early.

Moe Lane

PS: Books all available here.

Regretfully, the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION pre-order store is now CLOSED.

Which just means that if you didn’t do the Kickstarter and want a signed copy of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION (or any of my other books), you’ll just have to buy a print book from Amazon and track me down at a convention, when we start having those again. Or wait until the next Kickstarter. I do need to work out how to sell copies directly, but unfortunately I’m still two or three books away from the daily sales needed to justify the effort.

5 days to go on the MYTHIC Subscription Drive Kickstarter!

MYTHIC got funded, so I’m looking forward to it. We need more indy magazines. Also note: I have not placed any stories with this publisher and don’t have any submitted. I mean, I probably should, but it’s not like I don’t have anything else to do right now. I need an assistant. And a dedicated workspace for self-publishing. Ooh, and grab me a pony while you’re down there?

In the E-Mail: Nephilim: Corruption.

Nephilim: Corruption might not be my usual style, but I’m willing to give it a shot on the principle that demons in space at least deserves a look-see. Also: the thematic mixing implicit in “A Christian Space Princess Novel” is not exactly something I can disapprove of, is it? I mean, the stuff I write is just as cross-genre. Added to the ‘to-read’ list.

Don’t forget: FROZEN DREAMS is also an audiobook!

And, gonna be honest: audiobooks are not a trivial thing to produce. The FROZEN DREAMS audiobook was easily the hardest part of the Kickstarter to fulfill. I dunno if I can make one for TINSEL RAIN (working title for the sequel) absent a really, really good result in the next Kickstarter…

This is all a lot easier when you have an actual publisher, alas.

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter update: the books are in!


Also on Amazon.

The Kickstarter reward books. My next step is to create shipping profiles, sign my signature a billion times, print out labels, and get these suckers out. Hopefully that will not take more than a week. After that, all I have to do is get the sampler done and then this project is largely in the can.  Huzzah!

Moe Lane

PS: Pre-order store is still open, and I have a slight margin of extra books that I can use to fulfill pre-orders right away.

Started up some of the stuff for MORGAN BAROD.

Mostly, I might – might – have the cover art squared away. No guarantees, yet: but if it works out I can’t wait for people to see it. MORGAN BAROD’s going to be a weird book generally, which is a pretty good argument for not Kickstarting it. If if goes down in flames then at least it’s not taking other people’s money with it.

Beta readers will probably be needed at some time in March. I’m hoping for a June launch, but that may be optimistic. We’ll see.