The reluctantly necessary July 2021 Patreon Pledge Drive.

Gonna be honest, here: I don’t exactly like doing these. It feels kind of like I’m nagging, even though obviously my Patreon provides good value for money. But! I am aiming for $200/month, which will help a bit with getting more products out the door and will unlock a new tier of weekly pulp SF fiction.

As is my wont, new backers earn instant gratification in the form of a new Bold Marauder installment for every day we get a new backer! And we’re about to get to some of the good bits, too.

The Call of Cthulhu Classic Kickstarter.

Specifically, the forty year anniversary reprinting of the original boxed edition of the Call Of Cthulhu RPG. This is old-school stuff, friends: Chaosium scanned near-mint versions of the originals, cleaned them up, added little extras, and now here it is. I should also note that I checked, and Chaosium is planning to print this in Europe: i.e., not via slave labor. We all remember the wretched Sassoon Files affair, I’m sure…