05/19/21 Snippet, GARY AND THE WENDIGO.

I changed the name because I had it pointed out that “Charlie and the Wendigo” is evocative of a certain author’s name. I wouldn’t have cared if Charlie/Gary turned out to be the villain, since it wasn’t intentional — but since I like Gary, I ain’t going to saddle him with such an unfortunate name choice.

Continue reading 05/19/21 Snippet, GARY AND THE WENDIGO.

I’ve unpublished FROZEN DREAMS from Smashwords.

I gave it a year, but honestly it’s Amazon or nothing, folks. I’m not entirely thrilled about this, but I gotta be practical. FROZEN DREAMS is by far my best seller so far, and I was leaving money on the table by not having it on Kindle Unlimited.

The second shot is *hammering* me today.

It really is a lot worse when you get the second shot. Fatigue, my arm hurts, and I think I may be running an actual fever?

On the other hand, I woke up this morning saying Wait! Morgan Barod needs to kill a monster made of slime and human vertebrae! Which is correct: he did, and it fixed a chapter nicely, I think. So yay, vaccine-induced fevers.

Patreon Microfiction: “Invoking the Black-Smoke Foal.”

As they say in the world of “Invoking the Black-Smoke Foal”: The Bountiful Mother Ocean made Selkie. Sam Colt made her equal. You’d think more supernatural creatures with hands would have made this conceptual leap*.

Moe Lane

*Man, now I want to write a story about a shotgun-wielding Bigfoot exorcist.