Please let me know if you don’t get your copy of FROZEN DREAMS.

According to Backerkit it looks like almost everybody who filled out their survey* has had their copy of FROZEN DREAMS ship, so if you don’t get yours let me know and I’ll start nagging on my side. I sent all of these via Media Mail, so hopefully I can track down what went wrong. Again, ‘hopefully’: this is learning-by-doing for me.

Gearing up now to do the RPG worldbook stuff exclusively. Oddly, I thought this would be the easy part. I wrote it already, right? Silly me…

Moe Lane


Book of the Week: Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue.

Gabe of Penny Arcade summed up Ryan Holiday’s Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue as ‘what happens when bad meets evil.’ I was struck enough by that comparison to pick up the book — which, indeed, is about what’s in the title — and it is not dull reading. It’s also not completely comfortable reading, either. Back in the day, I never did anything remotely as awful as the stuff Gawker did, every day. But I watched them do it, didn’t I? And I never lost a night’s sleep over the things that they did.

Continue reading Book of the Week: Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue.

In the mail: Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era.

I grabbed Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era because I’ve never actually read it, hey? I usually read American Civil War books that concentrate on one thing or another, like a campaign or a general. Overviews are comparatively rare, for me.

And it’s such a big, fat book too! I can spend more than a day reading it, for a change.

Quote of the Day, Because I’m Trying To Sell Books On That Hellsite edition.

You’re hardly surprised, surely. Anyway: Tycho, from Penny Arcade:

Maybe there’s some range of infragood i’m not currently aware of; maybe Good as a descriptor is richer and fuller than I previously knew. Maybe there are some kinds of good that are bad! No doubt I’ll be able to find the answers to these and other pressing questions on Twitter, a place which asks the question, “What if there were a place for people who thought a junior high cafeteria wasn’t brutal and Darwinian enough?”

What he’s referring to is the word that the Twitter Bitcoin fraud thing was due to a compromised insider, rather than an actual hack. Some people call that… ‘good.’ But it’s not, really. It really and truly is not.

Moe Lane

Continue reading Quote of the Day, Because I’m Trying To Sell Books On That Hellsite edition.

The first reports of FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter books in the wild!

I sent the first (and absolutely largest*) wave of signed FROZEN DREAMS books out a couple of days ago, and I’m naturally terrified that they’ve all been promptly offered up on whatever dark god renegade USPS cultists worship. But so far they seem to be showing up OK:

Continue reading The first reports of FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter books in the wild!

The one-month FROZEN DREAMS anniversary!

People always seem to only sporadically talk about the numbers to this stuff, so I figured I’d demystify it a little.

Basically, I put up FROZEN DREAMS a month ago (June 14th): as of last night (July 13th) it had moved 114 units. The vast majority (104) were Kindle books; obviously, 10 were paperbacks. Working out how many books were sold during the Kickstarter is complicated, because of multiple formats and people getting extra copies, so I’m going to use 150 as a low-ball estimate. So, we’ll call it 260 in total, and 114 for the month.

All of that means… well, a lot of people seem to have different opinions about what it means, and the implications are likewise not uniform*. I think that it’s doing fine. I think that it’s also fair to say that arguably the book’s doing better than average.

Continue reading The one-month FROZEN DREAMS anniversary!