The FROZEN DREAMS store has reopened!

Now that I’ve gotten virtually all* of the Kickstarter paperback copies of FROZEN DREAMS out, I’ve gotten a look at my inventory and I think I can reasonably flog some of my existing stock. I was originally going to sell some of them at conventions, but that’s not going to happen any time soon, hey?

So, I’ve reopened the FROZEN DREAMS store. You can get the book, you can get the digital rewards, or you can get the whole shebang. There’s only twenty signed paperback books total for sale, and when they’re gone so is this reopening. If you missed it the first time, this is a great chance to catch up.

Moe Lane

*There are a couple of people who NEED TO FILL OUT THEIR SURVEYS. But I’ve put their books aside anyway.

Question about future books.

You think there’d be a market for the microfiction? If I, say, coupled some of them with commissioned black and white art and sold the whole thing as a book? I’d probably have to crowdfund it, because I don’t have the three grand I estimate that the project would cost to get a hundred sketches for a hundred pieces of microfiction. At that, I don’t know if I could raise that kind of money for that kind of project.


Moe Lane

PS: It’s just something I’m kicking around in my head. I mean, I already got paid for the microfiction, right? No rush on it.

Please let me know if you don’t get your copy of FROZEN DREAMS.

According to Backerkit it looks like almost everybody who filled out their survey* has had their copy of FROZEN DREAMS ship, so if you don’t get yours let me know and I’ll start nagging on my side. I sent all of these via Media Mail, so hopefully I can track down what went wrong. Again, ‘hopefully’: this is learning-by-doing for me.

Gearing up now to do the RPG worldbook stuff exclusively. Oddly, I thought this would be the easy part. I wrote it already, right? Silly me…

Moe Lane


Book of the Week: Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue.

Gabe of Penny Arcade summed up Ryan Holiday’s Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue as ‘what happens when bad meets evil.’ I was struck enough by that comparison to pick up the book — which, indeed, is about what’s in the title — and it is not dull reading. It’s also not completely comfortable reading, either. Back in the day, I never did anything remotely as awful as the stuff Gawker did, every day. But I watched them do it, didn’t I? And I never lost a night’s sleep over the things that they did.

Continue reading Book of the Week: Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue.