I had to recharge an iPad to get the documents I needed to write this one. I need to figure out how to transfer them to my computer, too. Yay.
Category: RPGS
Patreon Microfiction: Songs of The Orcish Steppes.
‘Songs of The Orcish Steppes’ would make for a decent Western. I could see orcs as cowboys. More importantly, I figure that so could they. …I obviously don’t mean Tolkien orcs, here. I mean their more civilized literary descendants.
Reminder: I have TTRPG supplements available at DriveThruRPG!
Currently only three supplements are listed on DriveThruRPG, but I’m thinking about doing another one at some point in the future. I’m fond of them, and they certainly are in my somewhat distinctive style. …Also, they’re cheap.
Pelicon went well.
I didn’t die in THE FALL OF DELTA GREEN game, but there was a fun moment where somebody had to slap the Stability back in me. But I got all I wanted in the TRAIL OF CTHULHU game; my character blew a Stability roll at just the right time to lose some Sanity, I got a good last line in while the darkness rushed to surround me, and I saved the last bullet for myself.
I think I’d like to do Pelicon next year, too.
Not-off to Pelicon!
Pelicon is a digital-only con sponsored by Pelgrane Press for those who can’t make it to Gen Con for one reason or another (Pelgrane’s in the UK, which is why they’re not going). I’m in a The Fall of Delta Green game this afternoon (it’s about to start, in fact), and Trail of Cthulhu tomorrow evening. Looking forward to both!
The SWORDS OF THE SERPENTINE Quick Deal Bundle of Holding.
Getting the PDF for SWORDS OF THE SERPENTINE in time for Pelicon (online Pelgrane Press convention, in honor of GenCon which they can’t all go to because Pelgrane operates out of the UK) for eight bucks is a steal. I’d get it myself, except that I already have it in PDF/dead tree form. It’s basically GUMSHOE for fantasy adventure, and if it had been available as an OGL I would have frankly based my own upcoming Fermi Resolution TTRPG around it.
The July Patreon stuff is up!
As I said, it finally gelled. Next month’s is probably going to be set in the same world as GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND, by the way. That should be fun.
- Short Story: The Real Thing. Wander the horribly clear streets of Lost Atlanta! A Tale from the Fermi Resolution.
- RPG Material: Resurgence, Part 4 (A): The Empowered. A bit of detail on the how the player characters are likely to be. Will there be interpersonal conflict? …Yeah, probably.
Moe Lane
I had forgotten that I had ordered THE BORELLUS CONNECTION, honestly. It’s a linked set of eight adventures for the THE FALL OF DELTA GREEN RPG. Also, it is pretty, it is big, and it is based around THE CASE OF CHARLES DEXTER WARD. Note the authors, in fact: Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan and Kenneth Hite. So you know it’s gonna be good…
Anyway, check it out.
The D6 System: Second Edition Kickstarter.
If you played West End Games’ D6 games at all, back in the day, Gallant Knight Games is bringing it back in the D6 System: Second Edition Kickstarter. Checked with the publishers: they don’t use AI, and haven’t finalized a printer location yet. However, digital fulfilment is definitely going to be through DriveThruRPG, and a PoD option will be available there as well. That satisfies my ethical concerns enough to recommend and digitally back the project*. I have still recommended to the company that they avoid using the PRC for this one. Or, you know, ever.
*It’s impossible to avoid PRC-made goods in this country entirely, unfortunately. So if I at least have the option to avoid it, I’ll take it. We live in an imperfect universe, alas.
The SPIRIT OF ’77 Bundle of Holding.
I meant to put up something about SPIRIT OF ’77 earlier this evening, but while trying to find out more about it, I ended up looking at a TV Tropes article. …You pretty much can guess what happened then, huh? Anyway, this game looks like it’s going down the same route as DAMNATION DECADE: to wit, 1970s roleplaying, but with more 1970s funky TV and fewer disaster flicks. It’s also a Powered by the Apocalypse game, so your mileage will vary.
Still, there’s a lot of stuff to mine from the 1970s, game-wise. Still trying to decide whether to pick up this particular Bundle of Holding, though. I don’t play the games I already have.