Santo (Location) [The Day After Ragnarok]

I wish that this game line would come back.  There’s a lot of fun to be had in WWII meets Conan.

Santo (Location) – Google Docs

Santo (Location)

[The Day After Ragnarok]


Santo – more properly, ‘Espiritu Santo’ is an island in the New Hebrides archipelago which was the site of a truly massive American military buildup during World War II.  Engineering teams built camps, Marine and Navy bases, airfields, hospitals, and artificial harbors and drydocks capable of repairing battleships. By post-Serpentfall standards, the island is an endless treasure trove of valuable, and possibly irreplaceable, military loot.

Continue reading Santo (Location) [The Day After Ragnarok]

Campaign seed: The B.A.B.Y. Protocol.

I blame Internet videos.

BABY Protocol – Google Docs

The B.A.B.Y. Protocol


The Broad-ABility Yield Protocol (at this level of security, you’re allowed to make puns) is that rarity: a genuine international conspiracy.  One that every government in the world has either signed up for, or at least sworn to keep quiet about.  And that’s not an idle oath, either: even the threat of the failure to do at least the latter has resulted in at least six regime changes since 1978.

Continue reading Campaign seed: The B.A.B.Y. Protocol.

Tweet of the Day, Successful #DeltaGreen Op On Atlanta’s I-20 edition.

They’re talking about a gas leak – or lack thereof – because a portion of Atlanta’s I-85 caught fire at the end of March (first picture below).  Ironically, that one was actually part of an Ordo Veritas veil-out.  OV and Delta Green tend to get along surprisingly badly, considering that they’re essentially in the same line of work…

Ooh, crossover adventures!  It’d be a memorable game.  And a short one, too.

The Bundle of Holding double-barrel-dangerous Champions 4E sale.

‘Double-barrel’ because it’s in two parts. You got your Champions 4E Essentials, which is gonna cost you thirty-three bucks – look, let’s not pretend that you’re going to go minimalist here, OK?  You’re either going to open your wallet wide, or not at all.  No point trying to play the angles here.  – Anyway, that’s going to get you pretty much all the Champions genre books.  And then you got your Champions 4E Universe, which for thirty-seven bucks gets you all the adventures.  All in all, act now and spend seventy bucks and you get the entire Hero System 4E Champions line.

And that’s why ‘dangerous.’  Because that price is only going to go up.  If you’re gonna get ’em, get ’em now.

So, GURPS Mysteries 4E is on CreateSpace.

…hold up, I don’t have this one in print.

I mean. Wow.  It’s not every day that I can pick up a GURPS book that I don’t actually have in print already.  Seriously,  I’ve been waiting for them to put some of their electronic-only stuff up. I’m hoping for GURPS Supers 4E next, not least because I’m not really sure that it ever had a print version in the first place.

Species Seed: Ant-men.

I spent the entire afternoon on this, and I’m not exactly sure why.

Ant-Men – Google Docs



formica xenosapiens ebrios


Description: six-limbed sapient species standing about three and a half feet tall, in a fully-upright position.  The head resembles a terrestrial ant’s, only facing forward.  The eyes are segmented, typically blue or green in color; dietary habits typically leave an Ant-Man’s eyes in a condition where the capillaries can be clearly seen.

Continue reading Species Seed: Ant-men.

Also in the mail: Miskatonic University Monograph: Codex Beltrán-Escavy.

The full title is Archaeological Interpretations of Myth Patterns in the Iconography of the Codex Beltran-Escavy (Miskatonic University Press), and at ten bucks it is one of the best Call of Cthulhu RPG props I’ve ever seen that isn’t actually explicitly a Call of Cthulhu RPG prop.  The conceit is that the pamphlet is a scholarly monograph describing and analyzing a pre-Columban Codex depicting a hitherto unknown deity; while the scholars themselves are apparently blissfully ignorant of what is actually being portrayed in the pictographs, any halfway competent Mythos scholar (and/or person who plays Cthulhu Mythos games) will instantly catch on to the Codex’s true meaning.  You can easily craft several adventures around this monograph, with it as the central prop.

The artwork is also very nice. There are color drawings and a fold-out centerpiece.  The HPLHS really worked on this one.

Hero [TL10] [GURPS 4E]

Hero [TL10] – Google Docs

Hero  [TL10]


This drug is produced for the ‘primitive’ [TL8 and below] trade, and it’s typically made by those who see nothing wrong with calling members of sentient species ‘primitives’ to their face.  Hero is a variant of the ancient Terran drug heroin that combines blissful pain relief, a boosting of the subject’s general health, and artificially-boosted addictive properties.  Effects: deep euphoria for thirty minutes; +1 to HT rolls, Hard to Kill 1, and Resistance to Disease (+3) for twenty four hours. Multiple doses have no extra effect, but do not result in overdoses.

Continue reading Hero [TL10] [GURPS 4E]

In the Mail: Paranoia: Ultraviolet edition.

There’s no picture because Paranoia: Ultraviolet Edition comes in a white box with white inlay… which means that taking a picture of it would be an exercise in frustration.  Which is, hey, an excellent descriptor for Ultraviolet-clearance citizens generally.  Anyway, if you were in on that Kickstarter then expect your game to show up soon.

One warning, though: the books are a good deal smaller than I was expecting. Something like 6 inches by 9 inches. It’s not bad, merely surprising.