Happy Columbus Day!

The first normal one in three years. Well, except for the lack of breakfast: we had everything from a contractor visit to a cat diagnosis today*. In my usual tradition, I shall not sing the only Columbus Day song I know, on the grounds that it is so filthy I am surprised when people still admit that they know it exists. Our ancestors were not exactly subtle.

Moe Lane

*We thought she had a urinary infection; turns out she’s just a bit nervous.

Tweet of the Day, This Is Kind Of An In-Joke edition.

Of a sort. Also, some of the text isn’t… too bad, really. If you score it on a curve.

Keywords: PayPal, API, certificate, expiring, renewal, button, missing.

Full details here, but here’s the gist. If you get an email from PayPal telling you that your API certificate is expiring (or about to expire), but when you go to the appropriate page and discover the renewal button is missing, delete your expired certificates. The renewal button will then (hopefully) appear, allowing you to renew your API certificate.

Why am I telling you this? The answer is, I am not telling you this. I am telling the exasperated person down the line who will encounter this problem, and then discover that PayPal can’t be arsed (pardon my British) to clearly explain what to do. I found the above link only after seriously looking for it, so clearly it needs a signal boost. We’re all Bozos on this bus.

My half-mini-review of SMILE.

Half-review because SMILE was an experiment for my eldest kid: how intense was he willing to get? Answer, was, as far as the birthday party scene. If you like jump scares and slow mental torture in your horror flicks – and I am absolutely not sneering at you if you do* – then this movie is gonna be right up your alley. It’s honestly made, and genuinely disturbing.

Moe Lane

*The latter is not my cup of tea, but I can tell when it’s well done, and it’s well done in SMILE.