#rsrh TN-09 Update.

(Via Instapundit) The race-baiting, trash-talking Steve Cohen (D, TN-09) may continue to enjoy the effects of earned karma* by facing yet another candidate in the Democratic primary ready to win it by… race baiting and trash talking.  May Cohen have everything he deserves in the next two weeks.

That is a… hold up. 

Charlotte Bergmann for Congress.

That is all.

Moe Lane

*He may also continue to pog mo thoin.

“I’m just playing my character!”

The video below should be useful material for any gamers out there trying to convince their GMs that, yea, indeed, their character with the peg-leg can do that ridiculously acrobatic thing after all:

Remember: your PC does have that high a level in his or her dexterity/coordination/agility stat, and he or she does have his or her dancing/acrobatics/tumbling skill maxed out. Or he or she should, at least, if you’re trying to justify tap dancing with a peg-leg to a GM.  The point is that your PC really is a beautiful and unique snowflake; that’s part of the point in playing a roleplaying game in the first place*.

Moe Lane

*For the non gamer geeks: this assertion is not… universally held.

Keep spending that campaign cash, Rangel.

I beg to differ with JammieWearingFool: I heartily approve of Rep. Charlie Rangel’s (D, NY-15) spending decisions.

Charles Rangel’s legal bills are piling up as high as the campaign cash he’s raking in to pay for his ethics defense.

That leaves the Harlem Democrat with no choice but to run for, and win, a 21st term in the House to keep raising campaign money to pay legal fees – which top $1.7 million, records show.

You see: as of June 2010, Rangel has $517K on hand to cover both his primary and the general election.  That is not a good number, particularly if you’re becoming exceedingly politically radioactive.  The Republican party has a good recruit for this race – Rev. Michel Faulkner, who I interviewed here (donation link here) – this cycle*; so there’s a chance that we can pull a Cao, assuming that Rangel manages to fight his way clear of the primary.  Which I think that he will.

Thus, it is in the best interests of the Republic that Rangel continue to burn through campaign money in order to pay his legal bills.  Not in the best interests of the Democratic party, of course – but then, the differences between the two will probably be a minor theme of this election.

Moe Lane Continue reading Keep spending that campaign cash, Rangel.

From Death Til Now.

From Death Til Now appears to be sort of about Genesis, sort of about modern government conspiracy mythology (non Jew-hating edition*).  I’m liking it.  No idea yet whether there’s any Mythos involvement, so it’s less Delta Green and more Conspiracy X.

I’m liking it, thus far.

Moe Lane

*IE, secret government projects and investigations rather than International Zionist Conspiracies.

#rsrh QotD, Journolist edition.

Epic geek FAIL.

All right you prinitive JournoList screwheads, listen up. If you’re going to reference ineffective eye protection, the quote you are looking for is, “My eyes! The goggles do nothing!”. And it’s not “it makes God cry” and “kill a puppy”. It’s “it makes the Baby Jesus cry” and “kill a kitten”. Holy crapweasel, people! If you’re going to reference hentai, can you at least do the rest of the geek world proud and square everything else away? You might as well have written “All your basses are mine” and “I can haves cheeseburg”, while you were mangling proper geek catchphrases. You lose! Good day, Sirs!

Seriously, I’m with Jimmie Bise here. I know, of course, that the majestic example that I – and Jimmie, of course – provides in the sexy, sexy niche of politics/geek blogging is going to spawn imitators and would-be acolytes.  But remember: we’re professionals.  Jimmie’s been doing this for six years and I’ve been doing it for eight.  If we make it look easy enough that it makes a bunch of Left-bloggers and journalists think that they can play at our level… well, we’re probably more or less sorry about it.


Moe Lane
Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Journolist edition.

#rsrh Update on Houston domestic terrorism case.

It is thankfully starting to look like it was not politically motivated after all:

[The ATF]  considers [Clair] Wolf a person of interest in a case in which Wolf’s sister received a bomb disguised as a box of candy. She was injured when she opened the gift-wrapped package on July 9 and it exploded, shooting nails and tacks into her face and hands.

Investigators think the bombing involved a dispute over the cleanup of property the siblings got from their parents.

I’d snark about that, except of course that somebody went to the hospital.  Besides, I’m too relieved that we’re not seeing the start of an organized bombing campaign against oil executives after all.  Not least because I’m still not confident in the government’s willingness to investigate such a thing [“They investigated it this time, didn’t they, Moe?” “Hush.  Besides, it was the ATF, not the FBI.” “Lame answer.” “Again, hush.”*]

Moe Lane

Continue reading #rsrh Update on Houston domestic terrorism case.

#RSRH RedState Gathering reminder.

It’s September 17th to September 19th in Austin, TX.  Registration information is here; some more details here.  Basically, it’s an opportunity to meet candidates for office, as well as other online right-activists; this year we’re working with American Majority to put together a training session.  Registration is $50 until August 1st ($99 afterwards), so get your spot (and reserve your room) now if you want the discount.

We did the last one in Atlanta last year, and it was a lot of fun.  Hope to see you there!