John Boccieri: confirmed not-yet-decided on health care.

(I actually wrote this at around 2 PM.  I don’t know why it didn’t load then.)
I just got off the phone with someone from John Boccieri’s (D, OH-16) office. Rep. Boccieri, you might remember, was one of the four Congressmen that Rep. Clyburn suggested were possible ‘yes’ votes on the health care bill, and who were later rumored to have switched their votes. I’m informed of the following:

  • Rep. Boccieri has not made a final decision;
  • His office has gotten a considerable increase in phone calls on this issue, both in-district and out of district;
  • I was told that the in-district calls have been somewhat more supportive of the health care bill, and that reform in general was a constant theme*;
  • And that Rep Boccieri has been available to people wishing to discuss their concerns with health care.

This, of course, can change – but that’s the state of the situation as of about fifteen minutes ago.

Moe Lane

I should note, by the way, that the Congressman’s office was very civil and accessible to an openly conservative Republican blogger asking for information. Mind you, that doesn’t always happen – but when it does, it certainly makes getting information easier.

*The trick is, of course, is in defining ‘reform.’

#rsrh When the first line is all you need.

True, you can get more details from the body of the article, but do you really need them?

“Two suspects were killed after one dressed as a leprechaun and robbed a Gallatin Bank Wednesday afternoon.”

As it stands, it already tells you everything important about what must have turned out to be a very surreal, very Bad Day for at least a half dozen people.  Except for the explicit itemization of the poor life choices involved, but you can probably work them out for yourself.

Thanks to Reader Joseph.

Gasoline on the fire of Erick’s CNN gig.

A group’s got to know its limitations.

You may have noticed that a lot of the people being most virulent about Erick’s CNN gig are folks who don’t have, won’t have, and probably can’t have CNN gigs, or anything like that (the highest that they aspire to is to get on Maddow once) and it’s not unreasonable to assume that this probably bugs them. They’re in the Left-sphere, remember? Beyond a certain point, there’s no advancement; the activist Left have all the tame blogs that they need, thanks, and they’d prefer to develop the ones that they have than let new ones be created.

But if you’re in that position you don’t want to think about it, I suppose. I certainly wouldn’t, if I was in their shoes*. So they’ve told themselves that it’s because they’re too edgy for the MSM. Too in-your-face. It’s the price that they pay for keeping it real with their rough language and uncompromising style. So it’s OK, really; they can’t be blamed for being too hardcore for television. So when Erick gets a CNN gig, after calling David Souter a goat-f*cking child molester? Well, they can start screaming about the situation, or they can dispassionately admit to themselves that the real reason why they’re not on TV is because they suck.

You tell me which is a more attractive option to these people.

Moe Lane

PS: Jim Geraghty was thinking along the same lines. Which you’d already know, if only you subscribed to his Morning JoltContinue reading Gasoline on the fire of Erick’s CNN gig.

The mash-up that you have always secretly dreaded, yet wanted.

Look in your heart; you will know this to be true.

The Muppet Wicker Man Comic. Based on the original, not the recent one that I didn’t even bother to watch*.

But beware: some things may not be unseen, once they are seen.

Moe Lane

PS: I will be merciful and not tell you from whom I got this.  Just this once.

*I might have, if I could have come up with a good reason for why there should have been a remake in the first place.