Consider the Majorette Twirling Baton.

This is a Sharp Baton Model #10 Twirling Baton:


Size ranges from 17 to 19 inches. It is constructed out of tempered steel, of a thickness of 3/8 of an inch – which means that it is light enough to be moved quickly, yet strong enough not to bend on impact against flesh. Note the white bulbs at the end, which will increase accuracy of blows without sacrificing too much in the way of impact trauma (less of a consideration on a purely crushing weapon than on one with a cutting edge). And, of course, it is center-balanced, which means that the momentum of the backswing after a strike will not be too ungainly. In short, while I’d rather have a Louisville Slugger M9 Series Maple Wood Baseball Bats – C271 – Natural in a sticky situation, this is not actually a bad club to have.

Which is my intro to saying, Don’t mug girls in marching band. Continue reading Consider the Majorette Twirling Baton.

Take pity on the Tea Party-hating Left?

(Via Glenn Reynolds) Matt Kibbe at Reason is too full of the milk of human kindness when it comes to the Online Left’s reaction to the Tea Party phenomenon.

The remarkable ends to which lefty bloggers, Nobel Laureates, bit-part actresses, and even a senior White House official all went to discredit the massive grassroots revolt perfectly matches Elizabeth Kübler-Ross‘ famous work on how to deal with grief, death, and loss.

Take Janeane Garofalo. Many tea party attendees were understandably offended when she compared them to members of the Ku Klux Klan. “It’s not about bashing Democrats, it’s not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston tea party was about, they don’t know their history at all,” she told Keith Olbermann. “This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up. That is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks.”

I know what you’re probably thinking about Ms. Garofalo, and it’s not kind. I thought it too. But look beneath the surface, and at least try to imagine her pain. As Kübler-Ross explains, first comes denial, then comes anger. Hope and Change, for Janeane, was dying. And she couldn’t believe it.

So we must pity them for their hysterical and panicked reaction to an actual, real populist movement? Pity them for their reflexive, unthinking retreat to emotional immaturity and crude sexual attacks? Pity them for their looming fear that their Great Lie – that they speak for the People – is well on its way to being exploded once and for all?

To quote Eric Flint (on an unrelated matter): Better still, let us not pity them at all.

Moe Lane

PS: I say this not to criticize Matt Kibbe, whose Freedomworks has been at the forefront of this issue. But it is a sad truth that the Online Left hates and fears us, and everything that we do; and until they abandon those ways themselves, there will be no peace.



Hope to see you there.

Crossposted to RedState.

Today’s obligatory “Duelling Zombies” post.

First off, we have Zombie Jamboree:


…via Tommy Christopher. Odd fact #1: I banned him from RedState once. Odd fact #2: I follow him on Twitter, and vice versa. Odd fact #3: this is, yes, kind of contradictory; but as they say, business is business. Besides, this isn’t a political post.

Anyway, in answer to that I have this.

Jonathan Coulton

Because, well, any excuse to play that one is a good one.

Moe Lane

PS: Watching people conga to Zombie Jamboree may not be the most surreal experience out there, but it’s definitely weird.

Swine Flu Biden.

[UPDATE x2] And welcome, AoSHQ readers.

[UPDATE] Welcome, Instapundit readers. Oh, why not? – vampirism post here, for no particular reason except that it beat watching the press conference.

Brother Pejman expands on this report that Vice President Biden is telling people to avoid public transportation and yank their kids out of schools.

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

If President Obama wishes to handle this crisis by sending Vice President Biden to an undisclosed location until it’s over, well, sacrifices must be made.

Moe Lane

PS: Watch the video that Pej found above: it’s not every day where you see what is effectively a pet media organ of the Democratic party call for closing the border. And watch for the gaffe at about 5:15. Freudian slip there, Joe?

Crossposted to RedState.

Gov. Palin to appear on American Chopper April 30th.

It’s like the antiwar movement: 90% of the people who reflexively oppose her overlap with the category of People That You Never Want To Get Stuck In An Elevator With (if for no other reason than the smell), and the people who apparently spend their lives waiting for a chance to tell the world how eager they are to have their candidate run against such a non-entity are almost as funny*. But I digress:

Sarah Palin to Appear on American Chopper

Turns out the hockey mom is also a motorcycle maven.

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin recently welcomed the crew from Orange County Choppers – whose custom motorcycle business is featured on TLC’s American Chopper – to Anchorage where show star Paul Teutul Sr. researched building a bike to honor Alaska’s 50-year anniversary of being a state.

“It means so much to the state of Alaska that these guys are building this bike that will honor statehood here,” Palin says in the episode, airing April 30 at 9 p.m.

Via Hot Air Headlines. I don’t watch the show myself – no cable** – but I understand that American Chopper is pretty popular. I figure that this is just one of those things, though: the Palins have always been outdoors types, the show producers know that she’d be an interesting person to do a episode with, and certainly there’s no ratings harm in having a show featuring a former VP nominee and sitting governor.

Keep that in mind when the unhinged screaming / reflexively smug sneering starts. Which it will. If Pavlov was alive today, he would have dropped using dogs in a heartbeat and used the Left-sphere exclusively for his experiments…

Moe Lane

Continue reading Gov. Palin to appear on American Chopper April 30th.

1/10th scale Saturn V rocket launched.

Very cool.

Rocket Record: The Largest, Heaviest Amateur Rocket Ever Launched

Steve Eves broke two world records Saturday, when his 1/10th scale model of the historic rocket—built in his garage near Akron, Ohio—lifted off from a field on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The 36-ft.-tall rocket was the largest amateur rocket ever launched and recovered successfully—and at 1648 pounds, also the heaviest. Eves’ single-stage behemoth was powered by nine motors—eight 13,000 Newton-second N-Class motors and a 77,000 Newton-second P-Class motor. (Five Newton-seconds is equivalent to about a pound of thrust.) All told, the array generated enough force to chuck a Volkswagen more than a half-mile—and sent the Saturn V more than 4440 feet straight up. It was arguably the most audacious display of raw power ever generated by an amateur rocket.


Via Wombat Rampant.

Crossposted to RedState.

Obligatory Ukelele post.

Have I done this one already?

Via Jonah Goldberg.

When we were in Hawaii last year, my wife (who accumulates musical instruments… somehow) came this close to acquiring a new ukulele to be lost with the rest of her luggage on the flight back. Those suckers are surprisingly expensive. As is just about everything else in Hawaii that isn’t a pineapple, of course, but I suspect that they’d have been expensive in Topeka, too.

My random musings on vampires.

So, Underworld. Not bad for what was effectively five bucks, but a surprising lack of skin for an R-rated vampire flick. The gun-fu wasn’t bad, but it just lacked that certain “let’s talk about your worrisome, yet darkly compelling, sexual hangups” that permeate our modern understanding of the genre.  Not that I watch vampire films for that.  At all.  Ever.  Not me, no how, no way.

Moving along: why don’t vampires ever snack on people that seem, you know, healthy? As in “my breakfast was more than three olives and a picture of a celery stalk” healthy. Either they’ve got this weird thing going about cholesterol, or the side effect of vampirism is apparently going down to three percent body fat and a perpetually sullen, yet stylish, expression. If the latter is true, that means (as has been noted elsewhere) the legions of the Undead are probably missing out on a great long-term financial opportunity.

Lastly: if I ever use Abraham Lincoln as a character in a roleplaying game, he is so totally going to look like this.

Moe Lane

PS: Hey, at least this way I didn’t have to watch the press conference. How many questions did he manage this time? Six?