Reminder: March 15th is International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day.

Mark your calendars, and start haunting the meat aisle.

EATAPETA is a traditional holiday started by Meryl Yourish, and much beloved by those who get annoyed by the group (quite bipartisan, by the way: I’ve seen vegans go off on PETA).  The Anchoress recommends that you go with seafood for this year’s festivities, what with the entire “sea kitten” thing: Musing Minds is taking recipes.  But that might be because of the Lent thing.

As always, remember: if you happen to be someone who does not eat meat – and there are a variety of valid reasons why people personally choose not to do so – but you despise PETA anyway, just throw BBQ sauce on whatever it is that you’re eating in order to symbolically reject the group.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Department of Justice: Bagram detainees lack constitutional rights.

“Having considered the matter, the government adheres to its previously articulated position…”

Dear hardcore antiwar movement:

Please take this opportunity to writhe in impotent agony as your man-god twists the knife in your entrails.


The neoconservative movement.

PS: We won. You lost. Again.
PPS: We’ll be sleeping like babies tonight, by the way. It’s one of the perks of being the good guys.
PPPS: Now go back to work! President Obama requires your labor and money on his behalf.
(H/T Hot Air)

Crossposted at RedState.

Gov. Rendell (D): ‘skeptical’ about the stimulus.

Gov. Rendell (D): Would like to run for Senator in 2010.

So no harm in hedging his bets, right? Via PA Watercooler:

Gov. Rendell skeptical about stimulus potential

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) backed the $787 billion stimulus but said Saturday that he isn’t sure whether it will actually fix the economy.

Rendell, at the National Governors Association meeting in Washington, said Saturday that all governors are committed to making sure that the stimulus is used for measures that can boost their states out of the recession. But he said that most governors will be watching to see what kind of effect it has on the economy.

Continue reading Gov. Rendell (D): ‘skeptical’ about the stimulus.

For all your Coming Robot Apocalypse needs…

…we have WTF Robots: Documenting the downfall of mankind. It is an examination of robotics-related news, only of course from the perspective of someone grimly awaiting the inevitable revolt of, and conquest by, our inhuman metallic servants.

Original tip via my wife the roboticist. Yes, you may all be jealous now.

Moe Lane

PS: Further reference materials:
Battlestar Galactica
The Terminator
The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Le affaire Hamas Letter: well, it’s John Kerry.

Ot-nay oo-tay ight-bray, if you know what I mean:

Kerry Turns Over Hamas Letter to U.S. Consulate

U.S. Sen. John Kerry has turned over to the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem a letter from Hamas to President Obama that Kerry had received during his trip to the Middle East, FOX News has learned.

Kerry spokesman Frederick Jones said the Democratic senator was not aware that the letter was from Hamas when he accepted it from a United Nations official, and only heard media reports of its origin, which prompted him to relinquish it.

News that Kerry had given up the letter came after the Israeli embassy and a former Bush adviser on Middle East affairs said Friday that Kerry should not act as mailman for a group labeled as a terrorist organization by the United States.

Continue reading Le affaire Hamas Letter: well, it’s John Kerry.

Planning a tax protest in Atlanta.

This site should be interesting, both for people who live in Atlanta and people who want to see how you go about organizing some protests against this debt bill that we’ve been saddled with.

Here are some tips on organizing a demonstration.

Michelle Malkin is collecting her own links to demonstrations: of most immediate interest is the one in Chicago. Also, see this article on the topic, which includes handy quotes from a liberal activist who sneers at people like YOUR MOTHER for being upset about Obama indulgently signing the Democrats’ pork wish list.

Via Glenn Reynolds, who should have linked to his book.
