Grayson delendum est.

Because he’s a poor excuse for a man and I won’t insult women by suggesting that he was one, of course.

The NRCC wasted no time at all in reminding the world of what Alan Grayson likes to, frankly, spew on a regular basis:

It’s actually an impressive video in its brevity: the temptation to make it a twenty-minute highlight of every vicious, sexist*, and bigoted thing that Grayson’s ever said must have been difficult. Which reminds me, Grayson: that Senior Policy Advisor of yours, Matt Stoller? The one who hates Jews the ADL and the military? Does that ever lead to awkward moments at staff meetings?

Daniel Webster for FL-08. Because sometimes the cliche applies: Enough. Is. Enough.

Moe Lane

Continue reading Grayson delendum est.

Democrats, signs, and hoisting on petards.

You get the feeling that possibly Democratic politicians are starting to get nervous about November: they’re starting to advertise anywhere that they can.  Third Base Politics has the saga of Mary Jo Kilroy (D, OH-15), who put up a big honking sign at her HQ, then had to bring it back down for a zoning violation.  Kilroy, of course, is the Congresswoman currently trying to lie about being an anti-TARP warrior; I’m noting this latest mistake by her campaign for three reasons.

  1. It reminds me of the saga of Alan Grayson (D, FL-08), who has likewise gone the route of the Really, Really Visible Sign in order to hide a deep-seated insecurity about the rapidly-approaching November elections (Cook rates both seats as Toss-Ups).
  2. There’s something deeply entertaining about watching advocates of more and bigger government get caught in red tape and onerous regulations (it’s always onerous when it happens to you).
  3. Ironically, it’s not like big signs will even help.  The problem isn’t lack of name recognition; the problem is too much recognition of the ‘D’ after their names.

Continue reading Democrats, signs, and hoisting on petards.

‘So, Moe, how’s your election cycle going?’

Let me put it this way: below (in no particular order) is my Top Ten List of Democratic Members of the 111th Congress Whose Presence There Personally Offends My Sense of Civics.

David Obey
Jack Murtha
Alan Mollohan
Eric Massa
Charlie Rangel
Russ Carnahan
Carol Shea-Porter
Alan Grayson
Jim Moran
Patrick Kennedy

It’s going great. Thanks for asking!

Moe Lane

Hey, what do these twelve legislators have in common?

This is via That’s My Congress, which is about to become very confused about why it’s getting traffic from a VRWC site. Here’s the list:

Lois Capps
Michael Capuano
Ben Cardin
Diana DeGette
Eliot Engel
Barney Frank
Alan Grayson
Carolyn McCarthy
Bill Pascrell
Adam Schiff
Allyson Schwartz
Heath Shuler

…and they have two things in common. First, they’re all Democrats. Second, they all have email addresses with Erickson & Company. And what is Erickson & Company? As That’s My Congress puts it:

Erickson & Company is not a lobbying firm. Instead, it helps set up events like the Heath Shuler’s BBQ, at which lobbyists and other people seeking special favors can come, check in hand, to pay for access to elected officials and their aides.

In other words, it’s a legal [and Democratic-aligned] money-laundering facility for lobbyists. Need to toss Heath Shuler some cash, but you’re a dirty lobbyist? Well, go to Shuler’s little BBQ (run by a go-between), drop a grand for a plate of food, and say hi! No fuss, no muss, no need for disclosure. Shuler’s happy: he’s getting his cut of your entry fee. The go-between is happy: it’s getting its cut of your entry fee. And you’re happy: this is a lot cheaper than a maximum campaign contribution would be.

So remember this, the next time anybody on that list – or, honestly, any Democrat – talks about the evil of lobbying: the sound you hear isn’t scorn towards those who would try to pay for influence.  Nope.  It’s scorn towards the rubes who don’t know how to tell when a Democrat is gaming the system.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

There should be a word for ‘blustering cowardice.’ Hmm. ‘Graysonian?’

In a previous post I wrote some unkind (note: not ‘inaccurate’) words about Jon Corzine, and how he’s not being especially brave this election cycle. Of course, given that this guy (Rep. Alan Grayson, D-FL) is held up as a standard for speaking-truth-to-power among the Left, maybe that’s not so surprising:

That was taken from a larger clip done by O’Reilly and improved with several stills showing politicians from both parties doing precisely what Alan Grayson is whining that nobody expects him to do: answer questions in the hallway, just as if he was a regular human being and everything. You’d think that a guy who’s trying to make a buck off of his supposed tough-guy image would be eager to appear on a show like O’Reilly and take the fight to Fox; then again, that would assume that you believed that said tough-guy image was actually true to begin with.

No wonder that Central Floridan activists have already created a site dedicated to getting rid of him next year (H/T: the Orlando Sentinel).  Normally, this sort of thing waits until there’s an actual candidate for opposition to coalesce around; then again, normally sitting Congressmen don’t call female civil servants ‘K Street whores.’

Moe Lane

PS: You know, Grayson: you weren’t the only person in the universe who was always picked last for dodgeball. It’s just that the rest of us mostly got over it in college.

Crossposted to RedState.

Barack Obama: Alan Grayson ‘outstanding member of Congress.’

Talk about timing:

President Obama offered him some warm words at a Miami fundraiser for the Democratic congressional campaign committees last night.

Obama, in introducing the members of Congress in attendance, called Grayson – along with Florida Reps. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Kendrick Meek – as “outstanding members of Congress.”

This would be the same day that it came out that Alan Grayson went on the Alex Jones show last month – the Alex Jones Show – and called a Treasury staffer a “K Street whore.” This is actually angering more than a few Democrats right now – and if you’re wondering why this resonated when other nastiness didn’t, it may be because K Street in DC is also known for being a hangout for actual prostitutes, which certainly puts a somewhat different complexion on the attack*. Now Grayson’s behavior, I understand: he’s a darling of the progressive antiwar Left, which means that his casual misogyny is a unexceptional rhetorical flourish to that sort**. He’ll just scream louder and louder until he gets smacked for it. But what’s the President’s excuse?

Letting the Teleprompter do his thinking for him again, perhaps?

Moe Lane

*Although Rep. Weiner – who originally declared Grayson to be a ‘one fry short of a Happy Meal’ – has since changed his tune.

**See here (via Instapundit) for how more and more feminists are reacting to such indulgences.

Crossposted to RedState.

Grayson’s being goofy again, in a Lovecraftian sort of way.

And if you take a look at his Necronomicon*, you’ll see that people are already treating it with all the respect that such a grandstanding act deserves.

Needless to say, I’ve already gotten the screen shot. Silly man.

Moe Lane

*Somebody should have told him what “book of the names of the dead” means in Latin. And note that I’m not assuming that he meant this all along; Grayson’s not that imaginative.

Crossposted to RedState.

Three Congressional Seats of interest.

Just a quick survey:

  1. CA-10 (D+11): David Harmer isn’t quitting this particular special election, and he’s having a bit of fun with the… well, I don’t know what John Garamandi was trying to do here:

    …but I hope that he does it again. A lot.
  2. FL-08 (R+2): Alan Grayson opened his mouth again; apparently he’s under the impression that there are no such things as recording devices.  Or that his constituents like being lied to, in a stupid fashion.

    The challenger for this seat is still up in the air (a lot of people want the shot), but the NRCC is happy to spotlight it anyway.  Nominee donation fund here.
  3. VA-05 (R+5): We have a candidate to go up against Tom Perriello!  Virginia state senator Robert Hurt. Perriello is – like Grayson, and oh, about sixty other or Democratic legislators – just a bit too liberal for his seat, and the GOP intends to bring that up. A lot.

So, as you can see: the machine is functional.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.