Bernie Sanders gets quizzed on his loyalty to America by… NPR?

This is not Blue-on-Blue.  This is someone who needs to retire.  And no, I don’t actually mean Bernie Sanders.

Diane Rehm [NPR]: Senator, you have dual citizenship with Israel.

Bernie Sanders: Well, no I do not have dual citizenship with Israel. I’m an American. I don’t know where that question came from. I am an American citizen, and I have visited Israel on a couple of occasions. No, I’m an American citizen, period.

Continue reading Bernie Sanders gets quizzed on his loyalty to America by… NPR?

Socialist Senator reminds us why we don’t particularly trust socialists to make good choices.

Say what you like about Reason: but when it comes to mocking Socialist idiot (but I repeat myself) politicians in their declining years, they’re right on the money.

Continue reading Socialist Senator reminds us why we don’t particularly trust socialists to make good choices.

The obligatory “Bernie Sanders Has A Bit Of A Gor Fetish, No?” post*.

Is it cruel to bring up this Bernie Sanders essay from the early 1970s?

Sure. But, as Hot Air notes: if you don’t like it when we do it to you, don’t do it to us.  The days of the free rides are now over. And ain’t it a shame…

Moe Lane


Bernie Sanders vultures $1.5M away from progressive candidates.

I heartily approve of this: “On Friday, the [Bernie] Sanders campaign announced that it has raised more than $1.5 million online in the 24 hours since he announced his candidacy.”  Especially since he’s apparently threatening to raise a total of $50 million.  Think of it! Fifty million dollars that could have gone to worthy – for a given value of ‘worthy’ – progressive candidates on the federal, state and local level.  Instead, they’ll be poured down a money hole and never be seen again.

Ach, well, as the late, dearly missed Terry Pratchett once said: it keeps money in circulation, and that’s the important thing.

Moe Lane

PS: Yeah, seriously, progressive activists. Give Bernie Sanders more money.  That’ll show me. Ya, you betcha.

Tweet of the Day, This Would Make Me Laugh And Laugh And Laugh edition.

Really, as the saying goes: you’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.

Tweet of the Day, Bernie Sanders Should Still ‘Run’ edition.

But I’m not going to try to beat Dan’s snark, though.

I mean: it CAN be done, but you have to work at it.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (Socialist, Vermont) not wild about the Democrats’ brand for his 2016 bid.

I find I don’t really care one way or the other how Bernie Sanders runs: “Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is under intense pressure to run for president as a Democrat and not as a “spoiler” independent who could undercut support for the eventual nominee, according to several progressives.” …because either way it all ends in recriminations and tears for the progressive Left. If Bernie Sanders runs as a Democrat, he will be destroyed in the primary election by the Democratic establishment; and if he runs as an independent, he will be destroyed in the general election by the Democratic establishment.  The Democratic party’s path to victory is sufficiently narrow* that they cannot afford even a traditional Nader-level of ineffectual third-party shenanigans; Bernie Sanders is a luxury that the Left should not indulge in… and yet, they will. Continue reading Sen. Bernie Sanders (Socialist, Vermont) not wild about the Democrats’ brand for his 2016 bid.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (D, Vermont) meets with some of his Jew-hating constituents.

You know, we hear a lot of guff from the American Left about how insular rural areas of Red States can be.  But I gotta tell you: speaking as a transplanted Northeasterner, listen to some of those progressives in Vermont and it’s like you’re in a time warp back to 1830 and the Know-Nothing Party.

This is from a recent town hall in Cabot, VT: basically, Sen. Bernie Sanders (Commie*, Vermont) had to stand at a podium and listen to a heck of a lot of angry Vermonter anti-Semites scream about Israel, to the point where he started screaming back about halfway through. Amazingly, from the aforementioned anti-Semites’ right. Heck of a thing when that guy’s the least vile person talking. Continue reading Sen. Bernie Sanders (D, Vermont) meets with some of his Jew-hating constituents.

Bernie Sanders comes down with Harry Reid’s Koch Fever.

Dear God.

“Right now, as we speak, a concerted effort to undermine the VA,” [Bernie Sanders] said. “What are the problems? The problems are, is, that all of these are large, governmental institutions and you have folks out there now, Koch Brothers and others, who want to radically change the nature of society, and either make major cuts in all of these institutions, or maybe do away with them entirely.”

And here I thought that the problem is that the VA was covering up the fact that veterans were being denied timely care, and in some cases fatally so.  Silly me: I should have realized that it was all a right-wing plot.  And you just know that next they’ll be spying on Bernie Sanders! Spyin’ on him with RAYS!

Moe Lane

PS: Bernie Sanders is the chair of the Veterans Affairs committee.


For now.