Oh, and the Playstation. XBox beta is already live, which is nice for them. But the real workout for Fallout 76 starts on Tuesday. One thing to remember:
On any given day the game might be up for anywhere between four to eight hours. Focusing as many players as we can into these windows is our prime objective. Then we’ll fix what we need to fix and do it again and again from the start of B.E.T.A. until a few days before launch. We’ll give you as much heads up as possible because we need you to log in during these times and play the game. We’ll also keep you posted through our official @Fallout and @bethesdastudios on Twitter as well as the Bethesda.net forums and our Bethesda.net Status Page to learn when servers will be online.
I’m probably going to do the beta, but I’m not exactly sure how much of this game I am going to play. I’ll probably be mostly interested in the lore, honestly. Which promises to be quite gruesomely sad, given that I’m not going to meet a single talking organic person who isn’t also from the Vault. And I’m probably not going to be able to actually fix the world, either. Ah, well, maybe Fallout 5 will let me finally clean up the place, once and for all…