The Left’s expected, contemptible, and blatant hypocrisy over ALEC and stand-your-ground laws.

I’m not really all that into blogging about the Zimmerman/Martin shooting.  From what I can tell, what happened was that there was an confrontation that might have very well been avoidable; it ended with a genuinely tragic ending; and that there were actually pretty much no wider partisan implications at all, despite the attempts of the Online Left to fit a Latino Democrat onto the Procrustean bed of WASP Tea Partier.  All of which is contemptible of the Online Left, by the way.  Expected, but contemptible.

Still, the news that the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has decided to stop working on criminal bill advocacy because of liberal push back on ALEC’s work on stand-your-ground laws is of interest.  Said laws, for those unaware of them, essentially confirm the right of a citizen to defend themselves if attacked; and (as Clayton Cramer and Glenn Reynolds note) such laws are very important from a feminist perspective.  Particularly when we’re talking about, say, battered women.  Amazing how quickly people on the Left stop caring about that sort of thing when it gets into the way of going after perceived Righty groups, right? Again: expected, and contemptible.

Continue reading The Left’s expected, contemptible, and blatant hypocrisy over ALEC and stand-your-ground laws.

#rsrh Rumor? Speculation? Misplaced Desire? Anyway, Debbie Wasserman Schultz to retire?

I called it ‘misplaced desire’ because Debbie Wasserman Schultz is turning out to be the kind of DNC chair that Republicans like: which is to say, incompetent – and loud about.  So very, very, very loud… but, fortunately, there’s no real indication yet that this Shark Tank report that DWS may not run for re-election.  I predict that if she does do so then Wasserman Schultz will probably not resign; at this point the expense of a second election for the rest of DWS’s term* would be an annoyance, and Florida is already enough of a headache for the Democratic party.

Then again, this assumes that DWS is thinking of anybody except herself, so if she plans to retire she might just cut and run at the same time anyway.

Moe Lane

*Article I, Section 2.  “When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.” And I don’t think that Rick Scott would pull a David Paterson and schedule the special election for the same date as the general.

#rsrh Bill Nelson (D, FL) tries to sell out Barack Obama over gas prices.

(Via Instapundit) Don’t get your hopes up; the goofball Senator goofball thinks that the problem is that the administration isn’t hands-on enough when it comes to regulating away all those obscene gas profits*.  Still, Bill Nelson is criticizing an administration that doesn’t like being criticized… which tells you quite a bit on how shaky Florida must be seeming to the Democrats these days.

Also, this bit from the article is entertaining, for possibly obscure reasons:

Continue reading #rsrh Bill Nelson (D, FL) tries to sell out Barack Obama over gas prices.

Interesting: epithet-tossing Jewish liaison Dani Gilbert daughter of Obama bundlers.

Via Legal Insurrection comes this interesting story about DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her rather embarrassing Jewish liaison Dani Gilbert.  As you may remember, Ms. Gilbert had some unfortunate comments surface from her Facebook page – essentially, stuff from 2006 where she used admittedly self-derogatory religious/cultural epithets.  At the time, I wondered when exactly DWS had hired the young woman – just on the off chance that the DNC chair had knowingly hired an underaged drinker, which the DNC chair is certainly dumb enough to do.  It turns out that this was a new hire (for the DNC position, at least)… but, hey, that’s where this gets interesting!

Turns out that the DNC already had a Jewish liaison – Ira Forman.  Mr. Forman brings to the table a large amount of experience, as one would expect from a former executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council.  But he’s just one person – and not the daughter of two Florida Democratic bundlers who put together 500K for the Obama campaign, which is apparently Ms. Gilbert’s primary qualification for the job.  Shockingly, it’s being reported that the Obama administration recognized that Ms. Gilbert may not have been the most suitable candidate for this position; even more shockingly, Debbie Wasserman Schultz defied them… actually, not shockingly.  The Gilberts are also very heavy donor’s to Wasserman Schultz’s own campaign coffers, and since it’s clear by now that Barack Obama plans to get himself elected first and worry about everybody else in the Democratic party when he feels like it, the DNC chair may be feeling the need for a little insurance. Continue reading Interesting: epithet-tossing Jewish liaison Dani Gilbert daughter of Obama bundlers.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz stupidly forgets comparing Voter ID to Jim Crow.

Let me rephrase that: she abjectly, amazingly, incredibly stupidly forgets comparing Voter ID to Jim Crow laws, to the point of huffily walking off when reminded about that particular bit of hyper-partisan stupidity.  Watch.


For those without video, that shows a clip of… Debbie Wasserman Schultz claiming that she ever made the above comparison, followed by a clip of… Debbie Wasserman Schultz explicitly making the above comparison, followed by a clip of… the meat of the first clip again, largely because mrctv apparently could not believe that the chair of the Democratic National Committee was this incapable of even remembering what specific fumble-fingered attempts to [incite] racial hatred were shambling about under her name. So they themselves had to go back and make sure that yes, she said this; and they must have decided that since they had to do a double-take, then so would their viewers, so they might as well make it easy for them. Continue reading DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz stupidly forgets comparing Voter ID to Jim Crow.

Alan Grayson requests that Rick Santorum, ahem, ‘die quickly.’

That’s the most likely conclusion that one can draw, amazingly enough.  Alan Grayson is typically precisely the sort of would-be domestic Taliban who might advocate the death of political… well, not ‘opponents.’  Rick Santorum is currently about three levels’ worth of influence above Grayson, and it’s Grayson’s fondest wish to shrink that disparity to two. So it’s very likely that the former Congressman from Florida is pretty much trying to ill-wish the Presidential candidate from Pennsylvania to death.

But there’s still the possibility that Grayson is merely abjectly stupid, so let’s pretend that he deserves the benefit of the doubt and analyze one of the latest whines of his in the most charitable of lights. Continue reading Alan Grayson requests that Rick Santorum, ahem, ‘die quickly.’


(Via JWF, via Instapundit)

If I’m not actually outraged at this exhibition of amazingly bad judgement – and, not to mention, taste – by Florida Democrats:

…it’s because amazement and entertained scorn have already taken up all the available emotional space in my head.  Somebody in general thought that it was a good idea to take an American flag and replace the stars with Obama’s head.  Somebody in the Lake County, Florida Democratic party thought that it was a good idea to put up that flag at their headquarters. And, of course, someb – no, wait, we have a name for this one – Lake County Democratic party chair Nancy Hurlburt thought that it was a good idea to actually argue with a bunch of ticked-off military veterans who stopped by to complain. Continue reading #rsrh OBAMAFLAG!

Alan Grayson tries the Creigh Deeds electoral strategy…

…to wit, getting into the news by hitting stuff with his car*:

Former U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson crashed into a Lynx bus in downtown Orlando about noon Saturday.


Investigators said Grayson was driving a Mercedes, when he ran a red light and hit the bus.

Glenn Reynolds notes that disregarding public safety to the point of injuring others while driving an expensive automobile to a fat-cat fundraiser would be generally considered the sort of thing that the Occupy movement would be against: my response to that is that consideration assumes that anyone that matters takes Occupational rhetoric seriously, including the Occupiers themselves.
Continue reading Alan Grayson tries the Creigh Deeds electoral strategy…

DCCC using Alan “K Street Whore” Grayson to fund other candidates?

I apologize for having to use the term, but unfortunately it is a public record utterance by a then-Congressman.

This particular hypocrisy on the part of the Democratic party is almost… pure in its brazenness, really. It goes like so: the Democrats have put together a program called ‘Majority Makers’ where Democrats with good fundraising ability who are expected to win their elections are being tapped to spread some of that raised money around to candidates who aren’t doing so well. This in itself is hardly unusual, and not actually pernicious. No sense wasting money, right? – and it’s also expected that the money being passed along would be going to a candidate that shared the original candidate’s values.

The problem is that one of the keystones of the ‘Majority Makers’ program is Alan Grayson, running in FL-09; and his value system includes crude sexual-themed attacks against women who dare to have a different opinion than him on economics.

“…this lobbyist, this K Street Whore, is trying to teach me about economics.” Continue reading DCCC using Alan “K Street Whore” Grayson to fund other candidates?

RS at CPAC: Trey Radel (R CAND, FL-14 PRI).

Trey is running in Connie Mack’s seat; Connie Mack, of course, is running in the FL-SEN Republican primary in order to make doubly sure that none of us ever have to remember which Senator Nelson was which, ever again.  Trey and I didn’t really discuss that; but we did talk about the race, and CPAC.

Trey’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)