First look at Toro’s FRANKENSTEIN.

Guillermo del Toro’s ‘FRANKENSTEIN’ doesn’t look half bad, but… can we maybe get it in black and white? Or – hear me out – black, white… and green? That’d look good, right? That scene in a stark B&W, except for the unholy emerald glow of the Mad Science apparatuses. I think that would pop, visually.

Anyway. Pretty cool.

Cast for Guillermo del Toro’s FRANKENSTEIN announced.

It’s pretty solid: Oscar Isaac, Andrew Garfield, Christoph Waltz, and Mia Goth were mentioned as the principals. I have no idea if one of them is going to be the Monster, though. None of them seem quite right for that particular part, although I suspect Isaac will get to be Dr. Frankenstein. I like Waltz a lot as an actor, but he’s too old for that role, too.

Book of the Week: Frankenstein.

Yup, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. It’s been a while since I read it, and it’s time that I rectified that. It’s got such an interesting place in the horror canon, after all; so many people kind of shrug and spread their hands on its literary merit, and yet it shaped so much of what came after…

At any rate: adieu to Son of the Black Sword.

I’d like to note for the record that I have nothing against GMOs.

I’m not terrified of them, I’m not alarmed by them, I’m not worried about them. I do not see them through the lens of sci-fi / horror B-movies. I do not panic at the thought of people deliberately manipulating my food, because we’ve been doing that ever since the dawn of civilization. And I certainly think that ‘Frankenfood’ is a silly neologism that demonstrates that the user has neither a good understanding of genetics, or any real sense for the plot and/or message of Frankenstein*.

That is all.

Moe Lane

*The movies – many of which I love; don’t get me wrong – are probably to blame for that. The book was trying to make a different kind of point.  Not to English literature geek out too much, but in my opinion the primary difference here is that the movies generally took the position that Victor Frankenstein’s mistake was in thinking that he could create a new man from dead parts, while the book’s position is that his mistake lay in thinking that he should do it. Because, please note: Frankenstein in the book did create a thinking, reasoning entity with the capacity to learn; he just also created one that did not have, for lack of another term, a soul.  Which suggests, amusingly, that Mel Brooks’ Young Frankenstein does an excellent job at bridging the cap between the conventional movies, and the book.

Crud. I was hoping that “I, Frankenstein”…

…otherwise known as Promethean: The Created: The Movie was going to be good.

According to Howard Tayler, no such luck.  The best he can manage is a prediction that it won’t quite sink below his Threshold of Disappointment, which is pretty darn bad there.  And, worse: Tayler is good at liking movies that I end up liking, too. Ach, well…

The standard by which all future attack ads *must* be judged.

I know nothing about the race for New Orleans Coroner (except that yes, it is an elected position): I don’t know the participants, the issues, the truthfulness of this ad, or even whether I’m helping a Republican or a Democrat by reproducing it.


Via TPM, who couldn’t believe that that an ad where the coroner of New Orleans is being accused of selling organs actually got commercial airtime, either. But they got confirmation.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.