Please let me know if you don’t get your copy of FROZEN DREAMS.

According to Backerkit it looks like almost everybody who filled out their survey* has had their copy of FROZEN DREAMS ship, so if you don’t get yours let me know and I’ll start nagging on my side. I sent all of these via Media Mail, so hopefully I can track down what went wrong. Again, ‘hopefully’: this is learning-by-doing for me.

Gearing up now to do the RPG worldbook stuff exclusively. Oddly, I thought this would be the easy part. I wrote it already, right? Silly me…

Moe Lane


The first reports of FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter books in the wild!

I sent the first (and absolutely largest*) wave of signed FROZEN DREAMS books out a couple of days ago, and I’m naturally terrified that they’ve all been promptly offered up on whatever dark god renegade USPS cultists worship. But so far they seem to be showing up OK:

Continue reading The first reports of FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter books in the wild!

The one-month FROZEN DREAMS anniversary!

People always seem to only sporadically talk about the numbers to this stuff, so I figured I’d demystify it a little.

Basically, I put up FROZEN DREAMS a month ago (June 14th): as of last night (July 13th) it had moved 114 units. The vast majority (104) were Kindle books; obviously, 10 were paperbacks. Working out how many books were sold during the Kickstarter is complicated, because of multiple formats and people getting extra copies, so I’m going to use 150 as a low-ball estimate. So, we’ll call it 260 in total, and 114 for the month.

All of that means… well, a lot of people seem to have different opinions about what it means, and the implications are likewise not uniform*. I think that it’s doing fine. I think that it’s also fair to say that arguably the book’s doing better than average.

Continue reading The one-month FROZEN DREAMS anniversary!

FROZEN DREAMS audiobook progressing nicely.

We spent tonight prepping the audiobook for FROZEN DREAMS (that’s not the link to it; the audiobook isn’t ready yet) for Audible. It’s progressing well, I think. The files are almost ready and the biggest limiting factor is probably going to be the auditing process. As you might imagine, Amazon is going to want to make sure that the book is what it claims to be. I’m sympathetic to that, really. I can think of at least three ways to cause mayhem otherwise, and I’m not even trying hard.

Things continue on.

FROZEN DREAMS book rewards mailed out!

Oh, not every single copy from the Kickstarter rewards. Some people haven’t filled out their surveys (FILL OUT YOUR SURVEYS). But I spent the last day or so prepping ’em and checking ’em off the lists, and earlier this afternoon I dropped ’em off at the Post Office. Then I drank a beer.

And then I dozed for a half hour, because people either drink more or drink less these days, and I’m in the ‘drink less’ camp. But FROZEN DREAMS is still out the door. That’s a big, big step towards finishing up the Kickstarter. Huzzah!

It’s official: FROZEN DREAMS has broken three figures in sales! Huzzah!

Trying to calculate that was surprisingly hard, actually: the Amazon reports don’t always line up with each other. But I can fairly say now that, even by the most pessimistic standards, I’ve sold at least a hundred copies of FROZEN DREAMS on Amazon by now. Which is, obviously, awesome.

It’s also a good excuse for me to dial back* the incessant book-plugging a little. I’m not particularly sorry that I did it — this is how you get people’s attention, after all — but now that I’ve hit this milestone I can tell myself that it’s done quite well for the first month of a first book. And, more importantly; I can spend some of that time to work on other things. I think that’s reasonable.

Moe Lane

*I mean, I’ll still plug it. Just not quite as constantly.

FROZEN DREAMS – and I – need an email list! And newsletter! Opinions welcome!

I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to create an email list and newsletter so that I can keep people in the loop about FROZEN DREAMS, the audiobook, the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG worldbook, the upcoming short story collection, anything else I’ve got in the pipe… you get the idea. Is there a standard go-to resource that everybody uses to create such things? I’ve no real interest in re-inventing the wheel.