Tweets of the Day, Planning Out The Post-Hillary Landscape (I Told You So) edition.

And yes, I so totally told you so. Anyway: time to start thinking about this.

Obamacare still not popular, so of course Hillary Clinton will defend it.

In the annals of LEAST SURPRISING NEWS IN AMERICAN POLITICS, EVER comes this not-even-remotely-a-bombshell report: “[Johns Hopkins University sociologists] Stephen L. Morgan and Minhyoung Kang found the ACA’s passage caused a sharp drop in support for health-care spending across party lines and might have ushered in a broader conservative “cold front” when it comes to other issues.” Emphasis the Washington Post’s: I get the feeling that they were surprised, at least. I imagine that it might have even come as a nasty shock to some of them.

Mind you, the WaPo is continuing to take refuge in the arguments that individual elements of the law are popular, and that “most Americans do not want to repeal the law.” As to the first, the truth of the matter is that Americans continue to hate Obamacare; and as for the second… well, the only pollster who seems to be consistently asking about repeal is Quinnipiac, and they’re getting an even split down the middle. Which means that “most Americans do not want to repeal the law” is precisely as true as “most Americans do not want to keep the law.” Continue reading Obamacare still not popular, so of course Hillary Clinton will defend it.

Tweet of the Day, Team Clinton Staffers Must Be Dreading Their Inboxes Right Now edition.

I’m only putting this poll up for malice-aforethought reasons.

Because obviously any one poll is meaningless. But, hey: it’s almost October, and the Democratic party still hasn’t gotten its primary together, either. It’s remarkably failed to do so, in fact.  And even if I don’t take this poll all that seriously, you can bet that people are walking quietly and not causing any aggro over at Team Clinton HQ today…

Comparing Hillary Clinton to Johnny Cash is an insult to Cash, of course.

(Via Instapundit) I like Victor Davis Hanson’s stuff, but I have an issue with this paragraph.

Hillary Clinton has developed a strange but habitual tic of railing and remonstrating about hot-button issues and egregious behaviors that offer windows into her own plagued soul, past and present. It is as if Hillary has become an ailing Johnny Cash singing “Hurt” — draped in black at the end, a faint simulacrum of his once combative self, seeking new resonance through a rocker’s lyrics for the confession of his own sins: “I wear this crown of s— / Upon my liar’s chair.”

There was nothing of the ‘faint simulacrum’ about Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurt. ‘Frail’ I will grant, but Johnny Cash isn’t any less Johnny Cash in it. He’s just… leaving, and we can’t quite catch up to him as he goes to where he will be going.

This is just me talking, by the way. I agree with the political parts of the essay. But I didn’t want to let the stuff about Cash pass without comment.

Tweet of the Day, Who Was Telling Hillary Clinton That She Wasn’t Real? edition.

I kind of didn’t want to, while at the same time totally wanted to, say something like this:

Why didn’t I want to say that? Because I have professional pride. I don’t NEED Hillary Clinton’s unwitting assistance, thank you very much. But, well, when they throw it to you right over the plate…

Err, yes, of COURSE the DNC is trying to get Hillary Clinton nominated.

Seriously, who doubts this?

Outside the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday night, a few dozen protesters—some on Martin O’Malley’s payroll, some holding Martin O’Malley signs, others wearing Bernie Sanders T-shirts, and none supporting Lincoln Chafee—gathered to register their dissatisfaction with DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s plan to host just six debates, compared to 26 in 2008.

It’s glaringly obvious, in fact. I understand why the DNC might pretend otherwise – but why is the Daily Beast humoring them in that regard? I mean; everybody here knows the score, right? If it’s this obvious to me, it’s got to be just as obvious to everyone else.

Hillary Clinton just lost Brent Budowsky.

Hillary Clinton should panic like hell. Safe link to Memeorandum; having read the article (so that you won’t have to), it seems that Budowsky has decided that Clinton is doomed and that the best way to rejuvenate the Democratic party is to have a Biden/Warren ticket. …Because of course Brent Budowsky would think that. The man is utterly reliable in that regard.

Seriously, though: if Clinton’s losing support there, she must be having a horrible polling week. This is serious warning bell / tripwire / canary in the coal mine territory. …And that’s all I have to say about that.

Tweet of the Day, So Why DO Voters Dislike Hillary, Then? edition.

This is one heck of a good question.

I mean, does Brooklyn even KNOW the answer to that?

CBS Buries the Lede in shock New Hampshire poll showing Bernie Sanders at 52%.

I’m trying not to weigh in too heavily on the polls this early out, but this is ridiculous. Not to mention, a provocation. And, for some odd reason, not easy to embed.


Continue reading CBS Buries the Lede in shock New Hampshire poll showing Bernie Sanders at 52%.

On the Hillary Clinton 1994 Humor Suggestions Memo.

Well, Buzzfeed found a 1994 memo that suggested some japes and jocularity that then-First Lady Hillary Clinton could utter in order to show that, no, really, it’s just fine that they lost the midterms in a dramatic fashion.  No. Really! Hear her laugh?  Just like a human being, that laugh!

…Yeah, they were pretty bad jokes. Harmless, though – except for the ‘rezoned’ one, which I cannot repeat here. It’s kind of weird: prior to Monica Lewinsky, it would be a real stretch to see that as anything except a real estate joke; afterward, it’s virtually impossible to see it as anything but a sexualized one. Certainly if anybody repeated it today you could probably see the outrage storm from low Earth orbit…