(Via Instapundit) I like Victor Davis Hanson’s stuff, but I have an issue with this paragraph.
Hillary Clinton has developed a strange but habitual tic of railing and remonstrating about hot-button issues and egregious behaviors that offer windows into her own plagued soul, past and present. It is as if Hillary has become an ailing Johnny Cash singing “Hurt” — draped in black at the end, a faint simulacrum of his once combative self, seeking new resonance through a rocker’s lyrics for the confession of his own sins: “I wear this crown of s— / Upon my liar’s chair.”
There was nothing of the ‘faint simulacrum’ about Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurt. ‘Frail’ I will grant, but Johnny Cash isn’t any less Johnny Cash in it. He’s just… leaving, and we can’t quite catch up to him as he goes to where he will be going.
This is just me talking, by the way. I agree with the political parts of the essay. But I didn’t want to let the stuff about Cash pass without comment.