Tweet of the Day, That’s… Not What She Thinks, Surely? edition.

At least, I hope not.

I mean, don’t get me wrong.  2010 was exactly the right time to take control of all those state legislatures.  We were able to get a lot of anti-gerrymandering reforms done, not to mention a good deal of minority-majority district promotion; and just take a look at California, Illinois, and Maryland to see why such corrective measures were so sorely needed, too. But I think that Hillary Clinton has gotten the sequence of events entirely backward, here.

Well. Not the first time that’s happened to her, of course.

Team Clinton is getting a little weird right now.

Is it just me, or is the Clinton campaign going a little haywire over this?

I mean, yeah, sure, if a bunch of Lefties tried to do a sting operation of Republicans Acting Badly and got caught at it I’d almost certainly go ballistic. But that’s my job. That’s my colleagues’ job, too. We yell at Democrats so that Republican candidates don’t have to. All that Team Clinton is doing here is elevating O’Keefe’s shop by treating them as worthy of Team Clinton’s freak-out. It seems… like the sort of thing that you’d get a proxy for, honestly.

It must be a really fun life experience, working for Hillary Clinton right now.

Clinton campaign frightened of anonymous sting operations.

They’re everywhere, you know. Lurking. Lurking: “Hillary Clinton’s campaign is on high alert for a possible undercover sting, after several women reportedly tried to bait volunteers into breaking federal election law, according to Time.” Hot Air has more, with the caveat that they don’t really think that stuff like this does anything. Au contraire, says I: it does one very useful thing. To wit, it makes the top of a campaign nicely paranoid about whether the people at the bottom of a campaign are about to go do something stupid, like break laws in the candidate’s name.

This is usually a reasonably realistic fear – or at least one that’s not completely implausible. Now imagine what it must be like to know that there’s somebody out there trying to provoke abject stupidity at your expense, instead of just waiting for some to erupt on its own. I imagine that it’s not a pleasant experience…

Quinnipiac: Joe Biden compares favorably to Hillary Clinton in swing states.


Vice President Biden matches up as well or better than Hillary Clinton against top 2016 Republicans in three swing states, according to a Quinnipiac poll released Thursday morning that’s certain to fuel speculation of the former six-term senator entering the White House race.

Former Secretary of State Clinton is still the front-runner for Democratic primary voters in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and real estate mogul Donald Trump leads among the GOP, the survey says, but they have the worst favorability ratings and trustworthiness scores of the featured candidates.

Continue reading Quinnipiac: Joe Biden compares favorably to Hillary Clinton in swing states.

Reality Defeats Me with this surreal Hillary Clinton presser.

I got nothing that can top this for sheer insanity, sorry.

Continue reading Reality Defeats Me with this surreal Hillary Clinton presser.

You won’t believe this easy trick proving Hillary Clinton’s in electoral trouble!

What do you want, anyway? A signed note from God?

Continue reading You won’t believe this easy trick proving Hillary Clinton’s in electoral trouble!

Quote of the Day, Trolling Level: Master edition.

This is good, solid work:

What Clinton needs most of all is a way out, a means of escape. Before she can recover politically, the legal uncertainty must end. And the only way to end it is a presidential pardon. Clinton’s future isn’t only tied to President Obama’s job approval and economic performance. It’s also tied to his compassion. Obama alone can resuscitate Hillary’s campaign.

It’s the ‘compassion’ part that impresses. It’s that extra attention to detail that distinguishes the master from the journeyman. I despair at ever consistently playing at this level.

We’re at the point where people are correcting the grammar of @hillaryclinton’s tweets.

That’s just beautiful. Simply beautiful*. And probably all a staffer’s fault anyway, but never mind that right now.

Oh, Weird Al? That’s your cue. Continue reading We’re at the point where people are correcting the grammar of @hillaryclinton’s tweets.

Probe of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal enveloping top aides.

Well, isn’t this a Maalox moment for the Democratic party leadership.

As pressure builds on Hillary Clinton to explain her official use of personal email while serving as secretary of state, she faced new complications Tuesday. It was disclosed her top aides are being drawn into a burgeoning federal inquiry and that two emails on her private account have been classified as “Top Secret.”

The inspector general for the Intelligence Community notified senior members of Congress that two of four classified emails discovered on the server Clinton maintained at her New York home contained material deemed to be in one of the highest security classifications – more sensitive than previously known.

Continue reading Probe of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal enveloping top aides.

Oh, BTW: the Democratic front-runner is quite cordially hated in swing states.

So, you think that we have problems?

Goodness gracious, but that’s the Democratic Nightmare Scenario right there, huh? Hillary Clinton is still on track to get the nomination in early states… but the populace in general simply Does Not Like Her.  The Washington Post article concluded, with as much hope as it could muster (not much): Continue reading Oh, BTW: the Democratic front-runner is quite cordially hated in swing states.