I would pay money to see Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine.

Which I guess would be the idea? “Daniel Radcliffe has already spent time in the shoes of one legendary character for a film franchise, but rumors continue to persist that he is set to play Wolverine in the future of the X-Men franchise.” He’s denying that it’s gonna happen, just like Andrew Garfield did about SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME – so your guess is as good as mine, right?

Mind you, I don’t want to see this because I think he’ll be like the iconic Wolverine. I want to see this because a Radcliffe Wolverine would be hilarious. Like, “everybody involved is drunk with power” hilarious. It might not even be a bad flick!


Nah, it’d probably be really bad. But still.


Just watched Episode 1 of MOON KNIGHT.

…Yeah, Marvel’s MOON KNIGHT looks pretty messed up. I mean this in a complimentary way; it’s the kind of you-never-know-what-will-happen-next messed up that makes for engrossing television. Pure Hell on the hero, though.

Also: the show is mercifully avoiding trying to make us wonder whether this is all going on in the guy’s mind. I used to sleepwalk, myself. But in all the times I did, I never woke up in… ah, never mind. Spoilers.

The Demented Christmas Special second HAWKEYE Disney+ trailer.

I’m not gonna lie: this is growing on me. Actually, I was already gonna see HAWKEYE. But I’m grooving to this vibe:

Barton is fairly clearly feeling far too old for this sh*t, and Bishop isn’t quite able to cash the checks that her ego is writing; or, at least, not yet. I can sustain interest in the ensuing wacky hijinks for six episodes, methinks.

The “Because we could” Marvel’s HIT-MONKEY series trailer.

It’s not that Marvel is drunk on its power, exactly. Why, that would imply that there is an alternative state of consciousness for the company. Seriously, when it comes to new programming Marvel’s pitch team has been continuously ripped to the gills for the last decade and a half, and here’s the latest bit of evidence for that:

Continue reading The “Because we could” Marvel’s HIT-MONKEY series trailer.

The Demented HAWKEYE Christmas Disney+ trailer.

My attention… has been acquired.

GeekTyrant detected a Die Hard vibe: I can see that, but there’s also a Lethal Weapon theme going on here, because Hawkeye is visibly deciding that he’s getting Too Old For This Sh*t. I also give points for there being a Broadway musical about Captain America in the MCU, because of course there would be one. They missed a bet there, though, in not getting Chris Evans to play the actor playing Cap in the musical. Farce is its own justification.

Moe Lane

PS: Kate Bishop apparently isn’t coming into this already being perfect in every way, which is nice. “Cocky 22 year old hotshot who still needs seasoning” is a perfectly cromulent archetype for a superheroine.