I think THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER is going to be one of those shows which will have a complicated relationship with comic fans. A lot of people are going to hate it, and a bunch of people will loudly support it, and for the same reason: the show is doing the usual deep dive of the Marvel back issues, only this time they’re mining a different part of the back issues. I legitimately don’t want to spoil it, because (believe it, or not) I respect the right of people who I don’t particularly like to also have their fanservice in peace and quiet. I was able to watch all my stuff in quiet enjoyment, so they should get the same courtesy. Fair’s fair.

Besides, the show is interesting, once you kick all the ideology out of the way. It’s quirky: and I think this is going to be how the Marvel Disney+ shows are going to roll, generally. Which works for me.

Where will BLACK WIDOW drop?

That is the question. The current answer? Reply hazy, ask again later. Disney wants to drop BLACK WIDOW in theaters, but that only works if there are theaters to drop the movie into, and people willing to go to them. I’m willing to go to them – I saw TENET in IMAX, as God and Christopher Nolan intended me to – but I’m weird. Also, honestly: I’m not yet vaccinated. They may be limiting movie admissions to people who have been*.

But if it drops in theaters, that would be spiff. I like MCU films in theaters. They’re big and loud and fun. And I miss that.

Moe Lane

*I have some hopes that I will get the shots before May.


I am legit looking forward to THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER. I’m kind of grooving to the fact that they don’t much like each other, but they know that Cap was best friends to both of them so they have this weird obligation to get along. I kind of hope that they end the run acting… pretty much the same way towards each other. Guess we’ll see!

My thoughts on WandaVision.

I enjoyed it. Quite a lot, actually. Avengers: Age of Ultron gets sneered at, quite a bit – a bit too much, in my opinion – but it set up this series nicely. WandaVision actually mined quite a few of the mid- and bottom- tier MCU flicks for characters and concepts, usually to the show’s benefit. There was some good dialogue written for this show. Also: there was one particular scene that made me almost yell “BEEP BEEP, MOTHERF*CKER” at the screen, so there’s that, too.

Bottom line is: I didn’t waste my time watching WandaVision. I had a good time. Just bear in mind that I watched all the movies. I don’t know how comprehensible it was to people who didn’t, although my wife’s liking the show, too.

Keanu Reeves in talks for JOHN WICK WITH A SPEAR… err, KRAVEN.

Let’s face it: that’s what this would be: “Sony Pictures has reportedly offered Keanu Reeves the role of Spider-Man villain Kraven the Hunter in a solo film project that is currently in development. If this is true, we still don’t know if Reeves is going to accept the offer.” Come, I will conceal nothing from you: all I know about Kraven the Hunter is from Squirrel Girl. I don’t know just where this falls on the Abomination Scale, or even if it falls on it at all.

Still. John Wick with a spear. That could be cool.


Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I laughed. Falcon and the Winter Soldier have never gotten along in the movies, and they apparently are continuing to not get along in their show together. It will hopefully make for amusing television.

Via GeeksAreSexy.

WandaVision is entertainingly messed up.

Finally sat down and watched both of the first episodes. I think that dropping the first two and then making people wait is smart: it establishes nicely that there’s something seriously weird about WandaVision. Mind you, I assumed that right from the start.

Also, an interesting note: I had it up on my computer with my earbuds in so as not to disturb everybody else. My wife watched a little, over my shoulder, and observed later that when you can’t hear anything the camera work is a lot more evocative of a horror show. Which I’m pretty sure is what WandaVision is. …Cool.

Deadpool officially joins the Mouse.

This should be entertaining:

Just two months after setting Bob’s Burgers alums The Molyneux Sisters as the writers for the highly-anticipated third installment in the Ryan Reynolds-fronted franchise, Kevin Feige has confirmed in an interview with Collider that Deadpool 3 will not only be set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but will keep the R-rated tone of the first two films.

That’s more or less everything. How the hell they’re going to cram Deadpool and the X-Men into the MCU is… not my bloody problem, is it? I’m sure they’ll work it all out in the end. Or perhaps they won’t even bother to explain. I mean, shoot: comic book movies.