One more day to help me reach a milestone for October Amazon sales!

I know people aren’t supposed to discuss money or sales, but I think that’s because they’re embarrassed to admit it when they need more of either. But why lie? Ten more bucks in sales this month lets me break three figures in online income. Seventy more bucks and I’m at over two grand income for lifetime sales on Amazon. Two hundred, and I do better than I did last year (it was a rough first and second quarter).

So… tell all your friends about my books! Shoot, tell your rivals and frenemies if you think it’ll help. I write good stuff, and I’m not too proud to say it.


The ‘this actually might have something’ THE HYPERBOREAN trailer.

There is a very weird-a*s Lovecraft vibe to THE HYPERBOREAN. It’s like if HPL had eaten some shrooms one night, or something, and wanted to write something messed up about bootleggers. Then again; I am obviously partial to the idea of mixing cosmic horror, and booze*.

*Check out “Impurities” in my chapbook REVISIONARY for more along those lines.


The DoxaCon schedule is up!

And can be found here. Of most interest to me:

  • 9:30–10:30am — Lay Keynote – Fantasy Fiction Through a Catholic Lens (Tim Powers)
  • 2:00pm — The Man Who Shot Joseph Curwen (Kenneth Hite)

Well, there’s also the 3:20 panel, but I am doing vending at the convention. I need to be actually sitting at the table if I want to sell any books. Especially since it looks like vending only takes place the one day (Saturday, November 4). I think I will be taking a minimalist approach for this one: I shouldn’t bring too many books, and probably should just stick to a display that can be easily put together and taken apart. Something to think about.

Hrm. That dinner. Is that something I need to dress for? I’m not entirely sure of all the social, heh, conventions…

Crunching numbers on next year’s Kickstarter.

It’s not entirely a great time, honestly. To start off with, I’m going to have to change the focus from doing another volume of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION to funding BANSHEE BEACH (the next Tom Vargas novel). The RPG project is going to get shelved entirely for another year, and I’m probably going to end up squeezing as much as I can to pay for an audiobook for TINSEL RAIN*. This has not been a great time to sell books, economically speaking. Which also means that I’ll have more expenses, including things like covers and map updates. I’m going to be reaching out to people and finding out what their new rates are. Yay inflation! …Can’t be helped, though. People need to eat.

All of which means that my Kickstarter goal this time is going to be higher. A good bit higher, likely. I’m not really thrilled about that, but what can you do? …Except sell more books, I guess. Go ahead and click the links!

Moe Lane

*I think that there’s a market there, but the way we did the FROZEN DREAMS audiobook was ultimately self-defeating from a marketing standpoint. Ach, well, live and learn.


Now is the time to read *and review* GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND!

The print version of GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is off for review, and hopefully it’ll be approved in the next couple of days. Equally hopefully, I’ll have copies for Doxacon. In the meantime: once you’re done with the book, don’t forget to review it on Amazon and Goodreads! Reviews (and ratings) are the lifeblood of modern authors. The more there are, the more interest is taken in the book. The more interest is taken, the better the sale numbers — which is how you get authors to get more books published. ‘Tis the Circle of Print, although hopefully with fewer dead zebra.

Moe Lane

MD Renn Festival today!

It’s very exciting. No, seriously, I haven’t done a bookselling/signing thing in months. And I’ve got three more in the next two months, so clearly I need to work on my grouping.

For anyone attending the Festival today: I’ll be at Page After Page from 11 to 5. To anyone not attending: my books can be found here. Either way, check it all out!