Now is the time to buy my books, or read them on KU, because things may change soon.

I don’t particularly want to raise prices. I was happy with the $2.99/$4.99 price points for e-books, $12.99 for paperbacks (which has already been discarded, going forward), and keeping my stuff on Kindle Unlimited. Unfortunately, I don’t run global economic policy, and global economic policy is starting to tell me that I need more markets to compete in, and that fixed prices are going up, which means that things like editing and artwork are going up, and… well, you can work out the rest. Time to grab my books now, before costs go up.

When will this happen? Good question. GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is going to be a test bed. When the book is ready, it’ll be going on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble, plus whatever other platforms look like they’d be a good deal. And it will not be going on Kindle Unlimited. Kindle, sure. But Amazon’s going to lose its exclusivity. We’ll see how it all works out; once I have a handle on the results I’ll decide how I’m releasing my other books more widely. This is a fall and winter project, but hopefully not a 2024 one.

Continue reading Now is the time to buy my books, or read them on KU, because things may change soon.

I have done four successful Kickstarters, and I would LOVE to be on your podcast.

I have done four successful Kickstarters related to self-publishing. I have published three fantasy novels, one collection of short stories, five four-story chapbooks (each one with its own illustration), and several digital-only properties. I have done an audiobook. I am in the middle of publishing a science fiction-horror novel (called GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND). I know quite a bit about science fiction, fantasy, alternate history, and several subsections of table-top roleplaying games. I am familiar with podcasts and phone interviews, having been on both sides of the microphone numerous times. I’m not a screaming egotist, and I’m not suddenly going to scream epithets or tell you about how the Plutonian brain-worms are responsible for higher gas prices. I think well on my feet, I don’t panic on the air, and I’m never, ever sick at sea*.

You want me in your book-related podcast. You need me in it. You can reach me at moe <at> moelane dot com. Or bug me on Facebook, or Twitter**.

Moe Lane

*”What, never? No, never! What, never? …Well. Hardly ever…”

**I’m aware what Elon Musk wants me to call it.

Book of the week: COVENANTS.

As I have been making increasingly obvious over the last week, a story from the universe of GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND (“Tour of Duty”) can be found in my chapbook-with-illustrations COVENANTS. My biggest chapbook to date, too! I’ve been writing longer short stories lately.

Four tales of agreements! Follow along as MARIE VISITS THE CONTINENT, on a mission of delicacy, and monsters. Sally forth with Duchess Carlotta into a zombie-haunted world as she takes THE QUEST FROM CASTLE WINDERMERE. Go on a TOUR OF DUTY in the interstellar spaces between charnel worlds. And lastly, discover with our horrified narrator that, after long, long years… THE STARS ARE WRONG. Enjoy! (Four stories, fifty eight thousand words total, each with its own illustration.)

Moe Lane



I know, cheesy: but TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION is going on sale next week. …Yeah, I don’t know why I’m admitting that. I may just be too honest for my own darn good. But check out the books!

Moe Lane

PS: I do have a tentative plan for a second volume of this. I need to get the new novel squared away first, though.


So, I had a root canal this morning. Buy my books!

…I’m going to blame that title on the endorphins. To misquote somebody or other, there is nothing quite so thrilling as finishing up a procedure where they go deep into your tooth to get all the nerves — and realizing that there was no pain during the procedure. Truly, the state of the art has improved greatly since the days of my youth: back then, ‘root canal’ was a pretty good analogy for ‘torture.’ Or possibly just a euphemism.

Still: buy my books! Root canals are also way cheaper than they used to be, but they still ain’t cheap.

Moe Lane

PS: Posting may still be weird today. I have no idea how I’m going to be feeling when the local anesthesia wears off.



Now you know inflation is bad: it’s slopping onto Amazon, which can normally absorb stuff like that. The book cost increase is gonna happen a month from now, and I won’t lie: the per-book hit isn’t horrible. It’ll still be kind of painful in the aggregate, though, so if you were planning to buy my books — or someone else’s self-published books — now is the time to do that.

05/15/2023 Snippet, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND.

The last bit of “write this scene later” has been written. The draft’s not actually done, but from here on out it’s more formatting and changing details as I go. I might get it done by the end of the week. Huzzah!

…well, we didn’t do anything horrible to anyone. But all of those pieties about respecting personal information that we quoted to Rubicon, back at the beginning? Of the five entities at that meeting: two were dead, one was in medical cold sleep, one was still recovering from the mental equivalent of a heart attack, and then there was me. If I was the functional one, we were nowhere near out of the woods, yet.

I’m not apologizing. We were right to be concerned about hidden cultists, and roughing up personnel records was a lot better than roughing up the personnel. I just wish — I just wish people had made better decisions, or at least not make poor ones where I had to see them.

One of the things that I did, once I was effectively in charge, was to pull Syah off everything else and have him handle the records searches. I worried that I was playing favorites, but Maki signed off on it right away. So did Nur, ironically. The sooner we cleared everybody, the faster we could go back to work. The quarantine was definitely starting to pinch us.

The problem was? We didn’t clear everybody.

Going to advertise the Tom Vargas books again.

FROZEN DREAMS, TINSEL RAIN, and TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION (Tom Vargas novella in that one), to be specific. Tom Vargas is my post-apocalyptic, fantasy pulp detective. He’s a lot of fun to write, and I have the next book of his (BANSHEE BEACH) on deck after I finish the new novel.

Anyway… three books, eleven bucks: it’s a damned good deal, frankly. Particularly in these uncertain financial times. People should buy them.

A flat-out request for help to boost my books.

I truly hate having to do this; but if you’re going to self-publish, you need to be your own advertiser and marketing person. So, here goes: I need help getting word about my books, my mailing list, and my Patreon out. If you are interested in helping with that, let me know (here, on Twitter, Facebook, whatever) and I will add your contact email to my list of people I know I can send announcements to and so forth. If you are not interested, don’t worry about it.
