#rsrh QotD, Reluctant Props Given edition.

I hate giving the House Minority Leader credit for wit – hey, I’m a partisan hack, remember? – but this was pretty funny.

In an interview with ABC News’ Diane Sawyer, Pelosi said she will “absolutely” vote yes on the compromise package, even though she agreed with one colleagues’ characterization of it as a “Satan sandwich.”

“It probably is – with some Satan fries on the side,” Pelosi said.

Via Hot Air.

Moe Lane

PS: Speaker Boehner gets off a good one, too:

After the vote, which could come as early as tonight, where does the speaker expect to be tomorrow morning?

“Hopefully hiding somewhere,” he said.

#rsrh QotD, We’re Assuming Obama’s Competent, Here Edition.

Jim Geraghty, on one core assumption permeating the entire debt ceiling crisis, on both sides: to wit, that the President knows what the heck he’s doing.

But at this point, are we even sure if Obama could tell if he has a losing hand? (This is, in fact, the same poker player who apparently warns opponents not to call his bluff.)


Oh, dear.

Retro QotD, Retro QotD edition.

Penny Arcade’s Tycho, trying to explain (back in 2009 – told you this was Retro) to his newborn why it was necessary to give her the subtle and powerful weapon that is the name “Ronia Quinn:”

I need you to be thus armed because I fear your mother and I have played a trick on you; we have brought you to a place where hidden weaponry is sometimes necessary. In our defense, and I recognize that it may be insufficient, this was the only world available to us.

That’s good.

#rsrh QotD, Hawaiian Good-Luck Symbol edition.

Jim Geraghty, towards some self-identified rubes (in this case, wealthy moderate Republicans turned off by THAT WOMAN) who just got the recent disappointing news that Chris Christie is not running for President:

Dear wealthy moderate Republicans: I mean no disrespect, as you’ve made more money than I’ll probably ever earn and you’re quite accomplished in your fields. And like you, I find Chris Christie to be a bold and inspiring leader, who makes a very intriguing option at the national level someday.

But not all of us are shocked and stunned about Obama’s class warfare and his demonization of you and the sense that he doesn’t think of himself as your president too. Some of us spent two years telling anyone who would listen that he was a lot more liberal than his bland, blank-slate rhetoric suggested. And was all of this worth it because you “couldn’t live” with Sarah Palin? Really? The prospect of having her living at the Naval Observatory was so epically offensive to your sensibilities that you really thought this, and all of the economic joy we’ve endured for the past 30 months, was the better option?

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Hawaiian Good-Luck Symbol edition.

#rsrh QotD, They Won’t Do This, Of Course edition.

From Jim Geraghty’s Morning Jolt, which you really should be subscribed to (Jim has excellent instincts, which means ‘he links to me a lot in that’):

Dear candidates: When you send out a press release headlined URGENT, it had better be that your candidate is literally on fire. Announcing that you’ve signed some group’s pledge is not, and never will be URGENT.

Sing it, brother.

#rsrh QotD, This Is Rhetorical, Right? edition.

Reason’s  A. Barton Hinkle, addressing the odd way that Hard Left protests are categorized as mostly peaceful, even when they’re not – and how Right-protests are intimated as being prone to violence, even when they’re not.

None of us should be so foolish as to think violence and incendiary rhetoric are the exclusive province of one side only. They’re part of human nature, which everyone shares. So you have to wonder why press reports so insistently call one side “largely peaceful,” even when it’s not, while insinuating, with zero evidence, that the other side is about two seconds away from a killing spree.

Because the media likes having the Right as a boogieman, of course – which means that the Hard Left benefits in the short run.  Which also means that the Right knows darn well that they have no margin for error when it comes to bad PR, and the Hard Left knows that it can get away with quite a lot.  Which finally means that in the long run the Right can actually get things done, while the Hard Left is forever doomed to watching other people create new realities*, without the Hard Left’s input.

Moe Lane

Via Instapundit.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, This Is Rhetorical, Right? edition.

#rsrh QotD, @janehamsher’s Smarter Than THAT edition.

I mean, I’m not on her Christmas card list or anything, but you can’t expect me to buy that she said that.  This statement of hers has to have been garbled.

“We’re in the best position,” said Hamsher, “when the person in the White House has to care what we think.” But making Obama care meant, basically, constant intensity.

Jane’s Old School: she knows as well as I do that you make a politician or political party care by scaring them.  ‘Intensity’ uncoupled to anything merely makes them greedy and dismissive.

Seriously.  Do you think that the Republican establishment was more attentive or less attentive to the Tea Party’s issues and opinions after Bennett got beaten in the Utah primary?  Or when Rubio came from behind in Florida? Or Rand Paul in Kentucky?  LePage in Maine? The answer is ‘more attentive,’ of course; which is why progressives tried themselves to impose their ideology on the Democratic primary.  They of course failed – weak reeds, and all that – but the principle is sound; party leadership isn’t going to just give out respect.  You have to take it, usually after laying party leadership out on the ground a couple of times.

Metaphorically, of course.

Moe Lane

QotD, What’s Wrong With ‘Old-Fashioned?’ edition.

Megan McArdle, on GUESS WHO*?

Call me old-fashioned, but I think that social sanction can be very helpful in assisting us in doing important but difficult things.  Marriage is stronger if people who find out that their friends are cheating don’t say, “Awesome, is he hot?” but “How could you do that to Jason?” Marriage is stronger if people who cheat are viewed with slight revulsion, and so are the (knowing) people who they cheat with.  Marriage is stronger when people who decide not to care for seriously ill spouses are met with an incredulous “What the hell is wrong with you?”, not “Yeah, I couldn’t handle that either.”  Of course it would be nicer if we didn’t need this sort of help.  But we are a flawed species.


I’m not saying that we should spend weeks and months torturing the guy–that’s up to his wife, if she wants to.  But I don’t think that the media should have hushed up something that was, um, very public . . . or that it’s somehow out of bounds to say that, unless she was really enthusiastically supporting his desire to text photos of his body parts all across our fair land, this was a really remarkably sh[*]tty thing to do to his wife.

Continue reading QotD, What’s Wrong With ‘Old-Fashioned?’ edition.

#rsrh QotD, Patience, Grasshopper edition.

Fred Barnes, who is perhaps just a bit restive waiting for the 2012 election cycle to really start:

The economy is languishing, joblessness is stuck at an abnormally high rate, the housing market remains in decline, the deficit will exceed $1 trillion for every year of Obama’s term, the national debt is north of $14 trillion, and markets are anxious. There’s a connection between our troubled economy and Barack Obama. If Republicans drive home the link, they’ll oust him and win big in 2012. It’s as simple as that.

And if it was June of 2012 and we hadn’t started this, I’d be concerned – but, contrary to popular belief (and perhaps egged on by the pundit class*), it’s early days yet.  Heck, we don’t even have a nominee. Because the election’s not for another year and a half, and all that.

Moe Lane


QotD, Glad To Hear It Edition.

It’s a pleasure to hear it, in fact.

“I think he’s trying to stay in the political scene,” said Jim Kitchens, a Florida-based pollster who worked for [former Congressman Alan] Grayson and who remains in his inner circle. “He enjoyed being in Congress, he really did.”

I mean, it would just purely suck if my helping to throw this idiot out on his ear caused him to simply shrug philosophically and go on with his life.  Bitterly nursing a grudge is just what the doctor ordered.

Moe Lane

Via Hot Air Headlines.