Announcing the Halloween 2024 Chapbook sale!

Starting Saturday, all five of my illustrated four-story chapbooks will be on sale for 99 cents. This is a Halloween sale, so originally I was just going to do it for Anagnorisis and Revisionary – but then I decided that all the other chapbooks had horror stories in them, too, so why not go nuts? Certainly getting the whole schmeer for less than five bucks ought to be a bit attractive.

Today is the last day of the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kindle Sale! (Click through for affirmation!)

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION will be on 99 cent sale until tonight! Pick up this ten-story collection of post-apocalyptic fantasy goodness before then! …Or, hey, you can get it tomorrow. I get more money if you get it tomorrow. I’m only telling you about this deal now because I care. You deserve to get a bargain. You have worth, and you must never let yourself forget it.

Don’t promise me that you’ll remember to stop self-sabotaging, either. Promise yourself. I’m just some guy on the Internet; my opinion isn’t the important one, when it comes to making your own life be your best life…

Continue reading Today is the last day of the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kindle Sale! (Click through for affirmation!)

REVISIONARY: Now on Halloween Kindle Sale! Only 99 cents!

The title says it all, really. REVISIONARY will be on sale for the next week.

Four tales of the Mythos! In SIMMON’S BOOK, learn why you shouldn’t listen to anything you read. In POLLY WANT, thrill as a human being faces down a terrifying alien deathworld monster. In WICKED WHY, get it through your head that ‘Why’ is always the wrong thing to ask. And in IMPURITIES, discover some of the perils faced by the small businesswoman in a unique business environment. (Thirty-two thousand words total)

Continue reading REVISIONARY: Now on Halloween Kindle Sale! Only 99 cents!

99 Cent Halloween Sale for REVISIONARY starts tomorrow!

REVISIONARY! Four tales of the Mythos! Kindle on sale for Halloween week, starting tomorrow.

In SIMMON’S BOOK, learn why you shouldn’t listen to anything you read. In POLLY WANT, thrill as a human being faces down a terrifying alien deathworld monster. In WICKED WHY, get it through your head that ‘Why’ is always the wrong thing to ask. And in IMPURITIES, discover some of the perils faced by the small businesswoman in a unique business environment. (Four stories, four illustrations, thirty-two thousand words total.)

Continue reading 99 Cent Halloween Sale for REVISIONARY starts tomorrow!

My first novel FROZEN DREAMS is now on Kindle 99 cent Super Sale!

FROZEN DREAMS may be the first post-apocalyptic high urban fantasy pulp detective novel you will read today! There’s a sequel (TINSEL RAIN), which dives right back into the world, and more are planned. The sale is only for a week, so buy now!

Join Shamus Tom Vargas as he Clears a murder Case in Cin City, tinsel capital of the magical kingdom of New California. It’s his job; in fact, you might say it’s his calling. Doesn’t help that he already has the worst possible confession from the worst possible suspect. Then again, when does it ever?

Action! Adventure! Elf! Orc! Magic! Bad jokes! And a cover that just won’t quit:

Continue reading My first novel FROZEN DREAMS is now on Kindle 99 cent Super Sale!