Ha! Was able to match the original scansion. Anyway: “Disney has set a massive movie licensing pact with Sony Pictures for the U.S. that promises to bring Spider-Man and other Marvel properties to Disney Plus starting with Sony’s 2022 release slate… The agreement comes on the heels of Sony’s output deal with Netflix for titles in the lucrative post-theatrical release Pay 1 window.”
Continue reading Sony to Netflix to… Mouse.Tag: sony
Sony allies with Netflix in the Streaming Wars.
That’s what somebody on Sonny’s Twitter thread is calling it, at least, and he’s not wrong. I really wish Paramount would do the same thing, preferably with a service I’m already subscribed to. There are too many combatants in the Streaming Wars as it is.
Keanu Reeves in talks for JOHN WICK WITH A SPEAR… err, KRAVEN.
Let’s face it: that’s what this would be: “Sony Pictures has reportedly offered Keanu Reeves the role of Spider-Man villain Kraven the Hunter in a solo film project that is currently in development. If this is true, we still don’t know if Reeves is going to accept the offer.” Come, I will conceal nothing from you: all I know about Kraven the Hunter is from Squirrel Girl. I don’t know just where this falls on the Abomination Scale, or even if it falls on it at all.
Still. John Wick with a spear. That could be cool.
Sony may be expanding HORIZON: ZERO DAWN to PCs.
Tom Holland to be in VENOM 2?
I dunno. Maybe? Tom Holland might just be there to do a cameo or an end-scene teaser. I mostly want to mention one thing, though: contra GeekTyrant, I don’t particularly think that Sony cares overmuch if having their Spider-Man show up in their movie confuses people who watch the MCU. I mean, seriously: it’s not going to make anybody not go to see future Spider-Man films, future Venom films, or future MCU films.
Personally, I love superhero flicks, but I consider the level of half-assed continuity that we have now in the various shared universes to be above what we might have reasonably expected.
I TOLD YOU ALL Sony would deal and give up 25% of Spider-Man to Disney. I DID.
I absolutely did. August 23rd.
Continue reading I TOLD YOU ALL Sony would deal and give up 25% of Spider-Man to Disney. I DID.I figure that Sony will try to seriously hold Disney to getting 20% or 25%, instead of the 5% that the Mouse is getting now. Since Disney was asking for 50%, that may even be doable.
Do people find the Sony/Disney Spider-Man thing interesting?
I do, myself — but mostly in the context of how they’re eventually going to settle up. …Did I write about this? Oh, right, only on Twitter. Short version is that Disney wants a lot more money out of the Spider-Man/MCU synergy thing, and Sony doesn’t want to give them any. Hard to fault either of ’em, really. Disney did a lot of the heavy lifting for Sony’s product*, but Sony’s product is pretty damned good and Disney has a reputation for being a kind of aggressive black hole when it comes to revenue.
Continue reading Do people find the Sony/Disney Spider-Man thing interesting?Yeah, but who would you pick for the live-action Miles Morales?
In the process of saying things that we already knew would happen (Tom Hardy is going to make another Venom movie*; Sony wouldn’t mind a Venom / Spider-Man crossover, if only they can figure out how to do it), producer Amy Pascal said this:
Continue reading Yeah, but who would you pick for the live-action Miles Morales?Fans of Miles Morales will also be happy to learn that the character’s inclusion in this animated universe does not necessarily mean we can’t ever get a live-action version of him, too. “No, I don’t think you should exclude [Miles from a live-action movie],” Pascal said. “I think you should assume there is nothing to exclude.”
I would not be really down with a HYPOTHETICAL Deadpool/Spidey MCU movie.
Despite GeekTyrant’s reaction to the possibility. Wouldn’t really work, anyway. Spider-Man is still Sony, even if Deadpool is Disney/Marvel now; and I cannot imagine that Ryan Reynolds and his crew are going to be willing to do the PG-13 version that Sony would expect*. And, comes right down to it: the tone would be off. On both sides. I don’t know what the hell Spider-Man would do with a Deadpool. Shoot, I don’t know what Deadpool would do with a Spider-Man, and neither would he.
Mind you, if they want to release Deadpool Rifftrax or something to MCU and Spider-verse flicks, well, I could be down with that.
Moe Lane
*Neither side would wrong, by the way. Sony is doing well for itself by making Spider-Man movies that I could take my kids to see; and Reynolds et. al. are doing well for themselves by making hysterical R-rated Deadpool flicks. There’s no shame in the fact that there’s no overlap.
The ‘Venom’ Honest Trailer.
They maybe don’t really want to admit it too loudly, but Honest Trailers liked Venom.