Tweet of the Day / Book of the Week: GURPS Girl Genius.

I… I could never quite make myself believe that this day would ever come.

Tweet of the Day, …Sure, Okay, Let’s Teach Robots How to Parkour edition.

Why the hell not? Surely it’ll never end in murderbots doing jumpy-flippy stuff in the abandoned streets of post-apocalyptic Newark.


Tweet of the Day, My Personal Favorite Penny Arcade Strip’s Anniversary! edition.

I dunno if it’s their best, but I love this Penny Arcade strip above all others. The aesthetic here sings to me.

Tweet of the Day, The Real Spark Is The Wind Beneath Flight Attendants’ Wings edition.

As my wife notes: real flight attendants are not allowed to talk like this. They have to route everything through PR. So I can only imagine the sheer bliss that they must have felt by seeing somebody else talk like this – because I believe The Real Spark gave the interview that lives in all of their hearts.

Via @presjpolk.

Tweet of the Day, Stop DOING That edition.

If people are going to be this willfully reckless, then why do we even have spooky horror movies, people?

I mean, Jesus CHRIST. I don’t even BELIEVE in magic or curses and if I ever found this on a dig, I’d carefully cover it back up, then go somewhere else for a while. There’s skeptical, and then there’s just asking for it. Great googly moogly.

Tweet of the Day, “Don’t Say Anything. Your Words Would Be Useless, Maybe Even Insulting” edition.

“Just fly the damn plane.”

Tweet of the Day, Khajiit Is Innocent Of This Crime* edition.

I always take the position that wild animals need to maintain a solid respect and fear of the talking monkeys; but that’s a two-way street, friends. For all the jaguar knew, this guy was trying to get bit. Hell, now I’m wondering, too. There’s some really strange fetishes out there these days, is all I’m saying…

*Yeah, playing Skyrim again. It’s relaxing.


I almost don’t want to read the article, now. I am morally certain it won’t be as good as the article inside my head.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, THE BEAR RAMPAGES CANNOT BE CONTAINED edition.