‘The Golem Job’ is up on Patreon.

To quote from there because I’m feeling lazy:

This is one of the things getting added to the Fermi Resolution Worldbook – it’s also available as part of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 – and I’m putting up this version here for free as an enticement. The Backerkit starts in a week! Sign up now (Sign-up link)!

Again, free.

So you *can* get value out of advertising. Good to know.

Prepare the viands, prepare the foods, prepare the strange wines, for tonight
is indeed a great night!

Guess when I started the Facebook ad campaign for the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit!

…This isn’t sarcasm, or a twist. The Facebook ads worked. Let me repeat that: the Facebook ads worked. And all I had to do was reflexively follow Backerkit’s instructions, to the letter, and with as little originality as I could muster.

Continue reading So you *can* get value out of advertising. Good to know.

Tweet of the Day, You May Want To Flag Some Keywords For This One edition.

Because – AOCTTIBS* – this is gonna end amazingly.

*Acronym decipher left as an exercise for the reader.

In the category of ‘Things I say here…’

‘…so that I do not say them somewhere where I will start a fight:’ I truly despise the pay-for-reviews system that exists in the periphery of the self-publishing ecosystem. It’s predatory, it’s expensive, it plays on fear and desperation – and, most damningly, it doesn’t work. Readers don’t actually care about purchased reviews. Certainly not enough to be worth the money it takes to buy one! Kirkus, for example, will charge you four hundred and fifty bucks for a 250 word review, deliverable in seven to nine weeks, annnnnnnd that’s pretty much it.

Continue reading In the category of ‘Things I say here…’