The Adorably Stupid RED ONE trailer.

I mean that as a compliment. I am absolutely down for an adorably stupid Christmas action movie, particularly when everybody in it has decided to go with the flow. I also want to know more about Santa Claus’s position vis-a-vis the US armed forces. Judging from the uniforms, obviously NORAD is all up in this business.

Via @zamoose.

Tweet of the Day, They Sent Lawyers, Guns, And Money edition.

And, indeed, the ordure is about to hit the winnowing blade.

Via @KateDrawsComics, and more here. Note, however, that this case involves musical catalogues, and that Sony, Universal, and Warner are no doubt willing to negotiate a payoff (and licensing fees). Does that make this a pointless lawsuit? …Not really, because it’ll establish that ‘fair use’ does not extend this far. And that will help immensely with all the other anti-AI lawsuits out there.

The ‘The Rules Exist For A Reason’ THE HERETIC trailer.

It’s not that I don’t like the concept of THE HERETIC. It’s that it’s one of those films that needs their protagonists to do something stupid (like not see the wife with their own eyes before entering the house) for it to work. It is also a movie that would get shut down in about five minutes if one of the protagonists simply had a revolver, but that’s a common problem in American horror movies*.

*Writing horror novels set in the present and/or future are a real problem in this regard, let me tell you. That and cell phones. Cell phones kill half a dozen different perfectly good horror scenarios dead, dead, dead.

‘Anti-Zionist’ event at GenCon canceled.

‘Anti-Zionist’ used in headline because the goal actually is to give people the cover to discreetly drop from the virtual event. There are times where it is advisable to allow a retreat. I just want companies to think first before they support events like this, because if they do then they won’t support as many events like this.

Tweet of the Day, Submitted Without Context edition.

I mean, you’ll be able to puzzle it out on your own, but I feel no urge to scribble a mustache on this particular work of art.