New GOP challenger in Russ Carnahan’s (D, MO-03) seat.

This one is causing some commentary, behind the scenes: former Blunt chief of staff Ed Martin has started an exploratory committee to run in Carnahan’s district, which includes large parts of the St. Louis area. CQ Politics currently rates the seat as “Safe Democrat:” Cook reports the district as being D+7; and Carnahan is from the third generation of a powerful Missouri political family.

Actually, that last factor may suggest why Martin may think that he has a shot: Carnahan is part of a local aristocracy, and frankly? It’s starting to show. Continue reading New GOP challenger in Russ Carnahan’s (D, MO-03) seat.

RedState Gathering – Pat Toomey (R, SEN-PA).

This one is of his speech that Toomey did for the Gathering, not the interview afterward: I’m not sure if there is going to be a better video copy of it, so enjoy. Pat Toomey is, of course, the guy who scared Arlen Specter into getting primary challenged by the Democrats instead of the Republicans, which is probably not what Specter had in mind. Such a pity, really.

As the video notes, Toomey also has a book (The Road to Prosperity) out.

Moe Lane Continue reading RedState Gathering – Pat Toomey (R, SEN-PA).

Book of the Week: erm.

It’s weird, actually: thanks to the generosity of a RedState reader I finally got around to reading Liberal Fascism (good book, but I knew most of it already; still, nice to have it collated) and I just snagged Hitler’s War today. I think that I’ve used both of them for Books of the Week, though, so recycling either wouldn’t really work.

Anybody have a suggestion of a good one?

RedState Gathering – Nikki Haley (R Cand, SC-GOV) interview.

Another quick interview, this time with Nikki Haley. She’s another candidate that I’ve been following, and I’m very pleased that she was able to attend the Gathering. As mentioned earlier, footage of her actual comments and question-and-answer session will be made available later.

Crossposted to RedState.

RedState Gathering – Michael Williams (R Cand, TX-Sen)

I have a bunch of these quick interviews, and they’ll all be going up as the day goes on. This one is with Michael Williams, who you will remember is someone that I’ve been boosting for some time. This is not his speech and question/answer session: that will be a separate video that will appear later. This is just me asking him a few questions.

…and me getting a picture, too. Perk of the job.


Full disclosure: I am in regular contact with the Michael Williams campaign, and I endorse him as a replacement to Senator Hutchison, should she resign her Senate seat.

Crossposted to RedState.

RedState Gathering Video: John Randall.

There should be a better video of this coming soon (I wasn’t the only one filming things), but I wanted to make sure that people heard this speech by John Randall, eCampaign Director of the NRCC as soon as possible. He spoke briefly about the need in general for us to hold Democrats’ metaphorical feet to the metaphorical fire:

As you can see, the NRCC is very interested in bringing up the troublesome contradictions of the Democratic Party on health care rationing.

And you should be, too.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Hard to say what’s the goofiest thing about Gerry Connolly (VA-11).

Oddly, the link Jim Geraghty gave no longer shows the quote (also referenced here) by Connolly (VA-11 is a mere D+2 district, by the way), so I’ll repeat it.  The context is in regard to the stimulus:

“I want to be there with all four paws and snout in the trough.”

Again, hard to tell what’s the goofiest bit: that Gerry Connolly thinks it’s a good idea to spend your money irresponsibly; that he apparently has defenders that think that profligacy in the pursuit of in-district patronage is no vice; or that Connolly has apparently never seen an actual pig.

Moe Lane

PS: Keith Fimian would like a rematch, by the way.  You can contribute here.

Crossposted to RedState.

CYV Watch: Extreme cheese-rolling.

I know that there’s been no real content this weekend, but you know the deal:


So… cheese-rolling.

Apparently the object is to follow a cheese down a steep hill, falling down numerous times along the way, until you hit the finish line and get tackled by multiple people. And then the ambulance comes and takes you away.


So, about that Palin libel suit…

From the While I Was Busy files.

Yeah, that was really dumb of that Left-blogger, huh? Spreads a malicious rumor (via a CNN Trig Truther with an extremely bad track record at accurately reporting on the former Governor) that the Palins are divorcing, gets debunked pretty much immediately*, has his real name and job (not to mention his habit of attacking children) tracked down and revealed, and faster than you can say “no ‘public figure’ defense” he’s being threatened with a libel suit.

All in all, I don’t think that this was the intended result.

Not being an attorney, I don’t know whether the public figure defense does or does not apply here; but if it does go to trial, this Gryphen fellow will almost certainly lose.  I am given to understand that judges tend not to be sympathetic to people who lose libel cases when it comes to determining who pays for court costs – but if the Online Left wants to keep subsidizing the Palins’ legal team’s administration of some long-overdue negative feedback to the misogynistic crew currently obsessing over that woman: well, I guess that it’s just going to happen, that’s all.

Karma.  It’s what’s for dinner.

Moe Lane

*This is apparently a real quote:

“Divorce Todd? Have you seen Todd? I may be just a renegade hockey mom, but I’m not blind!”

Crossposted to RedState.