#rsrh Belated advice for Lisa Murkowski.

She must be wondering right now where it all went wrong. I suggest that a goodly portion of it can be seen via this passage from the article on the looming upset in the GOP AK-SEN primary:

Even before the results poured in, Murkowski revealed her frustration with the impact that Palin had on the race in an interview with The Daily Beast’s Shushannah Walshe, who spoke to the incumbent senator at a last-minute Murkowski rally in Wasilla.

OK, stop right there.  The Daily Beast?  She’s a Republican, and she’s complaining to The Daily Beast?  No.

No, no, no.

They are the enemy.  They hate us, and by ‘us’ I mean the GOP.  Yes, they’re up on the sidebar – but I don’t bloody trust them, and neither should Murkowksi.  If this lapse of judgment is diagnostic… well.  No wonder it looks like she lost.

Moe Lane

Rasmussen: Whitman clears 50% in CA-GOV.

That’s with leaners (51/43): without leaners  Meg Whitman’s ‘only’ up 48/40 over Moonbeam Brown. Which is itself a switch from an earlier 43/41 Brown lead from a Rasmussen poll from a couple of weeks ago.  Whitman is benefiting from strong Republican support, weak Democratic support of Brown, and winning independents… not to mention not being Moonbeam Brown.

In other news, Moonbeam is still trying to explain away his attempts to use government resources to fundraise from anti-American and anti-military hate groups. Apparently, he’ll take their dirty money, but he doesn’t want to associate with them too closely:
Continue reading Rasmussen: Whitman clears 50% in CA-GOV.

#rsrh RotD*, Jim Geraghty edition.

He asks:

Speaking of Arkansas, yesterday the NRSC distributed a release slamming Blanche Lincoln on taxes, and I thought, “isn’t there some Little League mercy rule she can invoke?”

I respond:


John Boozman for Senate.  So that we may crush our enemies, drive them before us, and hear the lamentations of the women.

Moe Lane

*”Response of the Day.”

#rsrh Hey, remember Shepard Fairey?

Sure you do!  Shepard Fairey is that guy that traced that annoying agitprop of Obama that everybody copied, back when it was about the only socially acceptable way to make fun of the President.  Oops!  Did I just type that out?  My bad.

Anyway, if you want to see what happens when Fairey covered over an existing mural in NYC to put up what appears to be a distinctly inferior mural of his own*, click this link.  Fair warning: some of the pictures are probably not safe for work, as they involve the unauthorized addition of the fanciful depiction of male genitalia to the main work.  But in an artistically relevant sense!

…Actually, yes, it was.  This is a very interesting photo-post of street art (kudos to the blogger who did it), and there’s one picture in the middle that Fairey should have looked at, screamed “YES!  THIS IS PERFECT!” – and then put up an armed guard to keep the taggers away until he could get the whole thing covered in lucite**.  Click on the link here to see it, after you view the whole thing.

Moe Lane

*Personal opinion, but one apparently shared by a nontrivial proportion of the NYC street art community.  Nice to see some common ground there.

**If, you know, he was an artist or something.

Cat Lady Caught! Claws of Crime Collared!

I always feel slightly thankful that there are people out there who do their best to try to drag the rest of us into a comic book universe. Yes, yes, yes: I know. Somebody could have gotten hurt, and armed robbery ain’t cool.

Sources said last night that cops had caged the “Cat Lady,” the serial stick-up artist who dons clever disguises — including a cat mask — to rob high-end boutiques around the city.

The suspect was identified as Shanna Spalding, 28, of Queens, who sings with a death-metal band called Divine Infamy under her stage name, Purgatory.

The burqa-clad suspect was picked up in SoHo after bursting into a Greene Street boutique with a gun and demanding cash, sources said.

Unfortunately, the idea of a pretty girl who sings for a death metal band when she’s not out robbing high-end boutiques while wearing a cat mask is, in point of fact, cool by virtually every standard of popular culture that our culture has generated.  You may not like it – I’m not sure that I do, actually; I must be getting old – but there it is.

#rsrh DNC shill can’t remember [D-CAND, AK-SEN].

Via Jim Geraghty, meet Brad Woodhouse, who came to a discussion of the Alaskan Senate race with precisely zero clue of who his own party’s Senate nominee is.

As some may remember, I am not exactly happy with Woodhouse – I dislike it when party flacks try to irresponsibly fundraise, and by ‘irresponsibly fundraise’ I mean ‘deliberately use inflammatory language to raise money without worrying that it might encourage violent stalkers of the other side’s politicians‘ – but this relieves me, in its way. It raises the hopeful possibility that when Woodhouse was inciting violence on the DNC’s behalf earlier in the year he wasn’t cognitively capable of understanding what he was doing.


While I’m on the subject of predictions, here’s a quiet one: some time in September Nate Silver is going to announce his new House model, which will ‘amaze’ him with all the good news for Congressional Democrats that he’s getting from it.  I further predict that Silver will predict total House losses of… about 27 net seats for the Democrats: 40 Democrat and 13 Republican flips would be the number that I would use if I wanted to go with maximum galvanization of progressives, so let’s go with that.  This announcement will spill out via the New York Times and will be swiftly seized upon by the rest of the professional media: we will get three weeks or so of smug, congratulatory, and above all deeply relieved articles about the Democrats’ second wind… and it will not move the needle a hair’s-breath.

But it will keep liberals giving money and time to the Democratic leadership, so: Mission Accomplished.

Moe Lane

PS: I got the 2006 and 2008 election trends wrong.  So, by all means: have as much salt with that as you want.

#rsrh Comparing Florida results.

First off: congratulations to Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, and all other Florida Republicans who won their primaries last night. Time to win some Florida races, folks.

Moving along, given the noteworthy vote disparity between the Democrats and GOP total results last night I thought that I’d take a look at past results and see if anything jumped out at me. Which it has, actually. The 2010 results after the fold are taken from Politico, which unfortunately has the best real-time tracker out there that I’ve found; the past results are from the Florida state government site. I picked 2006 for Governor because it was (obviously) the last election year for one, and 2004 for Senate because there was a contested primary on both sides.
Continue reading #rsrh Comparing Florida results.