#rsrh You know, funny thing about Jane Yolen: I saw one of her books…

…in the Target this afternoon, and I thought Hey, I need to get some more kids’ books.  Then I remembered, Hey, wait, Jane Yolen absolutely hates it when us dirty, filthy conservatives read her books.   So I picked up The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? (Pigeon) instead.  Because I don’t really know what Mo Willems thinks of conservatives; but I do know that he has the mother-wit to not go around in public and call half the country church-burners.

Yes, yes, I’m a horrible person for pointing all of this out.  People should so totally try to turn the Internet against me for this.

Again. Continue reading #rsrh You know, funny thing about Jane Yolen: I saw one of her books…

Tom Barrett (D CAND, WI-GOV RECALL) passes on honoring slain cops to… stump-speech the UAW. #recall


When it came out last week that Milwaukee mayor (and Wisconsin Democratic candidate for governor in the upcoming recall election) Tom Barrett had skipped out on two ceremonies honoring Milwaukee police officers, there was some questions about what Barrett thought could possibly be more important that going to, say, a memorial service for slain Wisconsin policemen. It probably didn’t help either that Barrett was so evasive about the answer, either – to the point of convenient memory loss. Well, it turns out that Barrett probably wanted to forget the answer of where he was doing instead of honoring fallen officers, given that the answer was… ‘making a stump speech:’

…Mayor Barrett was actually speaking at a luncheon for retired United Auto Workers in Oshkosh at the exact same time that the fallen officers memorial was taking place in Milwaukee. Barrett spoke to a room of about 50 UAW union members.

I acquired a link to the video of the event that Barrett spoke at: it is unpleasant viewing for those with both a basic ethical sense, and an awareness of the context.


Continue reading Tom Barrett (D CAND, WI-GOV RECALL) passes on honoring slain cops to… stump-speech the UAW. #recall

Pelgrane Press donates “RMS Titanic: The Millionaire’s Special” to charity.

RMS Titanic: The Millionaire’s Special” is a one-shot adventure for Kenneth Hite’s extremely excellent Trail of Cthulhu, which hopefully most people reading this will know by now is a Cthulhu Mythos RPG set (mostly) during the Great Depression.  Anyway: Pelgrane Press is donating all proceeds from the game to support the Heroes in the Dark charity. Their goal is “to create audio comics to be enjoyed by the blind and sight-impaired,” which sounds like something that’s reasonably worth tossing a couple of bucks at, particularly since you also get a gaming PDF about the Titanic out of it.  Check it out.

#rsrh Obama’s need – or greed – forces DCCC to throw away money in Wisconsin recall election.

Well, it’s for sure that the DNC isn’t going to help.

The DCCC confirmed to Roll Call today that the committee has shifted its Badger State operation, in place to aid Democratic Congressional candidates in the fall elections, to boost the party’s effort to recall Gov. Scott Walker (R) and replace him with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. Today, the DCCC today sent an email fundraising appeal asking its supporters to help underwrite its participation in the recall campaign.

The worst news for the Democrats?  In a demented way, it even makes sense.  The DCCC is struggling to regain ground in Wisconsin’s current 5/3 GOP/Democratic split: the two Republican freshmen (Sean Duffy and Reid Ribble) are the only ones really vulnerable this go-round, and even then only in relative terms.  If the latest batch of Wisconsin recall elections end as mind-bogglingly disastrously for the Democrats as it’s currently looking, then the DCCC will not only find themselves not even close to winning back either seat; they might even be stuck worrying about Ron Kind’s again*.  So they’ve got a stake in the recalls. Continue reading #rsrh Obama’s need – or greed – forces DCCC to throw away money in Wisconsin recall election.

#rsrh I doubt that Obama will dare make a big, PUBLIC thing about hosting Bush…

…for the official unveiling on May 31st of the Bush’s Presidential/First Lady portraits.  You see, if Obama is smart he’ll avoid giving the rest of the country any further reminder that George W Bush has more class in his pinkie finger than currently exists in the entire Executive Branch of the federal government.  And if Obama is… well, Obama… then he’ll just be a sneak about the whole thing and have one of his creatures try to snipe at his predecessor from the safety of anonymous sourcing.  Either way, there’s no way that Obama has the guts to say anything to Bush’s face.

Not Obama’s style.

Moe Lane

(Via Hot Air)

#rsrh Alex Castellanos asks why Obama’s campaigning so badly…

…in this election season (H/T: Hot Air)  And I ask: when did Obama campaign well?

No, seriously.  Every successful campaign that Obama has participated in before 2008 was under the aegis of the Illinois Democratic political machine.  He merely had to show up, hit his marks, speak a few times, vote as he was told, and let the targeted leaking of damaging information about his opponents do the rest.  That doesn’t require political skill: that requires both the ability to conceal boredom, and excellent bladder control.  Then, during the 2008 primary, Obama handed off the details of the primaries to the geeks* and vaguely went off to let them work on building his profile for a VP bid.  The geeks then managed to hack the Democratic primary and munchkin the living hell out of it; they found every exploit that existed in the political source code, and used them all**.  Again, Obama didn’t have to do a darn thing except show up.  And as for the 2008 general election… well. McCain didn’t like to fight, the economy melted down, and Obama showed up.

Continue reading #rsrh Alex Castellanos asks why Obama’s campaigning so badly…

#rsrh Just finished Aaron Worthing’s book Archangel. Good read.

Full title: Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent History.   Anyway, not bad: alternate history (9/11, but with superheroics) fairly well written by Old School Righty blogger Aaron Worthing.  Some good partisan shout-outs without being too hardcore about it; people should check it out.

Also, I suspect that giving Aaron money will make domestic terrorists cry.

Occupiers, NATO, Chicago, & Molotov cocktails.

You know how this ends.

Tell me you’re surprised.

Three out-of-state men arrested in a Bridgeport apartment raid days before the NATO summit were charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism, providing material support for terrorism and possession of an explosive or incendiary device, their attorney and police said early Saturday.

The arrests were the result of a month-long investigation into a group suspected of making Molotov cocktails — crude bombs usually created by filling glass bottles with gasoline, according to law enforcement sources and police records obtained by the Tribune.

Can’t do it, huh? Continue reading Occupiers, NATO, Chicago, & Molotov cocktails.