Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane (D) claims that a conspiracy is behind her recent indictments.

Alternate title: Kathleen crazies a Kane.

That was a fascinating press conference that embattled Democratic Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane had there, yesterday.

You see, everybody who showed up for this press conference thought, rather naively, that AG Kane would be addressing her being charged with “conspiracy, obstruction, oppression, perjury and false swearing” with regard to her involvement in the leak of a 2009 AG probe of a Philadelphia NAACP official. Instead, she decided to make a no-questions-taken, thirteen minute statement where a sitting state Attorney General repeatedly insisted that all of the allegations were due to a conspiracy against her designed to keep AG Kane from ferreting out the truth behind a nefarious, wicked, and NSFW email chain cabal. She then politely begged her children to stand by her and left the room without taking a question.


Continue reading Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane (D) claims that a conspiracy is behind her recent indictments.

Seriously, Donald Trump is making a tactical blunder in South Carolina.

Look, I understand that I will never be on Donald Trump’s Christmas card list – but this is a bad tactical call:

Donald J. Trump, the current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, has declined to participate in one in a series of town halls run by South Carolina’s most popular politician, making the real estate mogul the only high-polling candidate to snub the state.

Because the Palmetto State is third in line to vote on the party’s nominee, because it’s first in the South, and because Sen. Tim Scott’s job approval is hovering in the heavens, his endorsement and support is as coveted as can be making the Trump no-show all the more conspicuous.

Of the 17 GOP candidates, 15 have been scheduled to participate in Scott’s town hall series, the aim of which is to introduce each candidate individually to the state’s electorate.

Continue reading Seriously, Donald Trump is making a tactical blunder in South Carolina.

Quote of the Day, Tom Steyer Simply Doesn’t Understand Things edition.

I disagree with Jazz Shaw, here:

It’s impossible to simply skim over the irony of someone demanding to know why gas prices are so high in the very same press release where they push for an additional ten percent tax on oil extraction.

…obviously, I’m just skimming over the irony right now.

It’s back to school time!

I got reminded of this last night: I have trouble remembering that down here in Maryland the school year starts BEFORE Labor Day. So, you know, a week and a half, tops.  Which means… it’s back to school time!  Get most of this stuff now so you won’t have to raid the Target the weekend before. Continue reading It’s back to school time!



I remember the year that these guys first showed up at Pennsic. EVERYBODY who was running anything remotely bardic that year remembers these guys showing up, largely because they’d good-naturedly play absolutely anywhere and anytime you needed them to.  This turned out to be a good long-term business decision for them: Pennsic is, as you might imagine, fertile territory for a band who can properly play medieval instruments.

Peak Perseid meteor shower tonight.

Northeastern part of the sky: the optimal viewing time is between late Wednesday night to pre-dawn Thursday. Assuming that your night is clear of both clouds and light pollution, of course. I admit to being of two minds about light pollution. It’s nice to see the stars; but it’s equally nice to see what might be sneaking up on you, too. It can get dark out there.


Hey, my species became Earth’s apex predators for a reason.

We’re at the point where people are correcting the grammar of @hillaryclinton’s tweets.

That’s just beautiful. Simply beautiful*. And probably all a staffer’s fault anyway, but never mind that right now.

Oh, Weird Al? That’s your cue. Continue reading We’re at the point where people are correcting the grammar of @hillaryclinton’s tweets.

Ah, the joys of video editing.

Trying to finish up some of the video that I shot at the RedState Gathering last week – it may be time to get a new camera, not to mention a better one. On the bright side, Sony Movie Studio Platinum Suite 12 (the latest version is 13) is pretty handy to use and it’s not making my computer wheeze and overheat in the process, so I got that going for me.

Moe Lane

PS: I probably will not be putting those videos up here on this site. I’ve done it otherwise in the past, but for this stuff I think I’ll be keeping them strictly on RedState.

GAO officials caught scamming school lunch program to pay reduced prices for their kids.

I pay for my kids’ school lunches, you know. And I don’t mind having some of my tax money going towards hot lunches for poor kids, although the nutritionists picking out those lunches should be forced to only eat what they recommend. But I think that this is imposing unduly on my tolerance and cheerful good nature. I well and truly do. Continue reading GAO officials caught scamming school lunch program to pay reduced prices for their kids.