I have updated my Patreon!

Changed some future milestones around, added a few more, and finally let Patreon give me my new splat page. You can see it here (I really need to figure out how to get an embed button going). And I might as well be honest, here: if the current political situation does end up going down the tubes then that site is likely to become one of my two main sources of online income. The salad days will be, as they say, over.

That is not a request for money – NO! STOP! That is not a request for money!  I will not guilt-trip people into giving more! …No, what it is is a request for brainstorming. I have ideas on how to honorably increase my revenue, but I will be happy to hear suggestions along those lines.

Well, that was a week.

Unfortunately, I’m coming to the conclusion that maybe I’ve been so grim and stark for most of it is actually due to what may very well just be a mild sinus infection. So I’m going to go to bed now. It’ll be a thing, really.

Moe Lane

PS: I figure that I’m still going to try to stay off of Twitter for the weekend, though. Because there really does seem to be a legitimately addictive nature to it, in terms of biochemical rewards and whatnot.

Huh. Twenty bucks off Tom Clancy’s The Division Gold edition…

…if you buy it via Prime.  It’s listed at $100 normally, but they’re taking $20 off if you go the Amazon route there. I wonder if that deal will still be going on a month from now? I can usually count on birthday Amazon.

And is anybody else thinking of picking up this game? I’m wondering whether it’s a shooter or an RPG. Although the line there can blur.

Book of the Week: The Last Centurion.

As per the comments section… I really don’t understand why The Last Centurion hasn’t been done already: I’ve read it several times.  Basically, imagine a future with a combination mini Ice Age and a really, really, really bad flu epidemic.  Then toss a bunch of American troops in the middle of the collapsing Middle East who are trying to get out of there.  Now have John Ringo write it, as only a right-of-center dude who knows that he’s selling the book to Baen can do.  That’s this book.

And so, adieu to For Love of Mother-Not.

Quote of the Day, Nice When They Listen edition.

The plan, apparently, is to just keep barreling through.  And not to be afraid to say what everybody already knew anyway:

[Senator Marco Rubio] also spoke highly of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who endorsed Trump earlier Friday in a surprise endorsement. Rubio said his New Hampshire nemesis is a “talented communicator,” before using that phrase against Trump after Thursday’s debate.

“They probably called him in to help Donald after a very rough evening last night and a rough day on the trail today,” Rubio told the Fox anchor.

Continue reading Quote of the Day, Nice When They Listen edition.

Donald Trump brings in Chris Christie to save him from the bully.

Oh, I understand the reasoning – Donald Trump was watching his semi-literate tweets get turned into killer laugh lines at Marco Rubio’s epic rally this morning – but I somehow suspect that bringing in the guy who didn’t survive a primary pummeling to go after the guy who did is not going to work out as well as Donald Trump hopes that it will.  It may not even win him the news cycle.  All Marco Rubio has to do now is just simply make fun of Chris Christie*.

Mind you: I heard this rumor a while back, and in a world where Donald Trump had had a good debate last night it might have cemented his lead today.  As it is… it looks weak on Trump’s aprt. Yes, I know that Christie is a good communicator and attack dog and money dude and whatnot, but note that he’s not in the race anymore and Marco Rubio (and Ted Cruz!) are.

See more from Leon Wolf, who I basically agree with here but I didn’t want to pass up the chance to roll my eyes.

Moe Lane

*I’m not going to, because I’m from NJ and a lot of the stuff that other people find mock-worthy doesn’t really look weird to me.  But this is just reactive, weak stuff from Trump, here.  And it won’t be the story of the day.

I suspect that the Twitter hiatus will last the weekend, at least.

[UPDATE: Geez, I had to end up deleting Tweetdeck.  This stuff is addictive.]

Mixed results from yesterday: I managed to stay off for most of the day, but it eventually took disconnecting this site from Twitter (because I would forget, and let the site post from Twitter, and then people would react to those posts, and I’d get a notification*) and protecting my Tweets (because when I did cheat and go onto Tweetdeck the urge to reply to stuff was nigh-insurmountable**) to get into that state.  But I think that I’ve plugged all the holes, now. We’ll see. But I need a couple of legit off-Twitter days to assess what it’s doing to my head.

Moe Lane

*I now really grok what ‘Pavlovian’ means.  That chime literally makes me drop whatever I’m doing to go look.  I had to delete Twitter from my iPod.

**I thought about suspending my account, but that comes with a specific socio-political message right now. Protecting the tweets means nobody can read my new ones, so there’s no point in writing them – and nobody can see my responses, so there’s no point in making them***.

***No, I don’t want to hear of any loopholes.  And that’s in the ‘tell me about a loophole and I may in fact turn off your account here’ sense. The idea is to keep off the stuff for a couple days, remember?