The UNKNOWN ARMIES 3e Bundle of Holding.

Hrm. I actually don’t have some of these, I think. Weird. I should rectify that in the near future: UNKNOWN ARMIES is a fun game concept, although I’ve yet to have the chance to actually play in a campaign of it. It’s the mindset I like, you see. The sort of Tim Powers-style street magic, if Tim cussed more.

THE TERROR BENEATH taunts me with its existence.

Full title: The Terror Beneath; An Investigative Roleplaying Game of Weird Folk Horror. Osprey Games says it’s an “investigative roleplaying game of horrors both ancient and modern, inspired by the works of Arthur Machen and powered by the GUMSHOE system.” …do you see the problem, here? Osprey, GUMSHOE, and Arthur Machen. Any two of those would pique my interest. Three seem highly unfair to me, and particularly my bank account. I’m actively reining in the spending this month.

Fortunately, it’s not out yet. Maybe I can get somebody to get me it for Christmas…

10/14/2024 Snippet, NEVER RETURN.

I gotta figure out some things on this one, and right quick.

Lieutenant Curwin asked about the most obvious possibility first: “Was the murderer covering his tracks? Trying to keep you from sniffing out his identity?” He also seemed interested in my work in general, which I do like to see in a man.

“If he did, ‘twould be hideous overkill,” I replied, still trying to find any trace of death-residue that might be read holographically (more Old American, I’m afraid). “Even if I could reconstruct a spirit that existed in this space at the time of the murder, it could only give me a surface idea of who attacked the victim. The murderer would have to be of extremely high rank to justify the magical energy it would take to wipe a site this clean.”

“How high rank?” asked Marsh.

“Let me put it this way, Horace: if I was seriously considering this possibility, I would be asking you if the President had an alibi.” I smiled. “Although I can’t imagine what motive your grand-uncle might have.”

10/13/2024 Snippet, NEVER RETURN.

I thought I’d maybe do this up as a 3K word one for this week.

“You can shut off the ghost-warmers, lads,” I told the assemblage of policemen and workers knotted up near a tarpaulin-covered body. “There’s not a one of them within a block of this place. Hullo, Horace.”

“Hullo, Sunshine,” needle-grinned Horace Marsh (yes, one of those Marshes). “Sorry to drag you down tonight. There’s horrible coffee.”

“That would imply that you might ever have good coffee,” I retorted as I poured myself a cup. “All the angels, but you brew a wretched cup. I wish I knew how you manage it.”

“I start out by hating the beans. After that, I improvise.” Horace visibly grew serious. “This is a bad one, Mistress Dexter. We suspect Dominion activity.”