Well, it’s probably not a *bad* time to drop Mailchimp, personally.

I don’t have many people on the newsletter, and the newsletter is very sporadic because I have difficulty coming up with Flying Koala-related things to say every week. I dunno what to use instead, though. Somebody I know seems to be getting good results from their free Substack?

Moe Lane

PS: The reason for considering a switch is due to Things We Do Not Talk About Here; suffice it to say that I’d rather switch now, then have to switch later, and I’ve never quite trusted Mailchimp anyway.

Kickstarter surveys for my “Pickman’s Model” have gone out!

If you backed, you should be getting one via whichever email you used for the Kickstarter. It’s just to confirm email addresses and what name people want to have for the Special Thanks section: the “Pickman’s Model” Kickstarter was all-digital and limited-scope, so there’s no Backerkit to navigate this time. I should be getting the funds soon; once that happens, it’s just a matter of getting the final art, and putting it all together.

If you did not back, I am hoping to have the story ready for sale by the middle of July. Be sure to check here!

Well, it’s official: I’ll be selling books at the FrightReads Book Festival.

Bought a table space: the FrightReads Book Festival will be in Cantonsville, MD on October 2nd. That’s an easy drive for me, so I’ll be there with my current books – and hopefully will have another two out by then. I’m also considering getting some banners made of the cover art. The cover art pulled people in.

You can check FrightReads out here and here. And if you’re in the Cantonsville area on October 2nd, drop on by! There’s going to be a bunch of other people there with horror and spooky stories to read.

Hey, I put the first draft of PROJECT SHIVA up on Patreon.

PROJECT SHIVA was my first NaNoWriMo, and then I promptly put it in a box. But I am apparently doing my best to avoid working on TINSEL RAIN this week; so I got a powerful urge today to take the text, convert it to Scrivener, and put the PDF of the first draft up on Patreon, just for fun. It’s about half the size that it should be and needs a rewrite or three, but if you’re a Patron: enjoy!

If not…