In the Mail: “You.”

You is a book by Greg Stolze that’s set in the Unknown Armies RPG universe.  I got my copy via Kickstarter, but the book itself is now available for sale. I look forward to reading it this afternoon.

Also: as is hopefully obvious, I am an Amazon Associate: clicking that link and then shopping on Amazon gets me referral income at no cost to you, even if you don’t buy the clicked item. So if you’re looking for an easy way to support the site, there you go. And if you don’t want to support the site, well, the sites that you do want to support probably also have referral links, and they probably wouldn’t mind the extra income, either.

Take a look at my hilariously wrong March Madness picks.

Chosen with a variety of methods, mostly involving occult mythology. conspiracy theory, and at least one fond recollection of Manly Wade Wellman’s Silver John series, which by GOD you should read before you die.  I mean, seriously.  Those stories are what literacy is for.

‘Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret House’ [breathe] ‘of the Night of Dread Desire.’

I picked up Neil Gaiman’s Forbidden Brides of theFaceless Slaves in the Secret House of the Night of Dread Desire this evening as part of Date Night, which this week instead became Wife Needed To Go Be All Phd-y For Once For An Old Mentor’s Sake So Her Husband Volunteered To Drive To The University With Her So She’d Have Somebody To Talk To During The Ride Night.  Since I don’t actually speak Engineering or Robotics, I of course meandered over to the university’s college town, which is apparently now these days completely populated with fifteen year olds.  Fortunately, the comic book store was still there.

Alas, the Amazon reviews for it are not promising.  Still, it was either this or Curse of Strahd, and Curse of Strahd was fifty bucks (it’s thirty on Amazon, though*). Sometimes you just have to make the call.

Moe Lane

*I have a birthday coming up at the end of the month, and my mother and father-in-law both understand that I love me some gift certificates, so hopefully it’ll still be thirty bucks in three weeks.

Tweet of the Day, In The Future Everybody Will Be In Hydra For Fifteen Minutes edition.

This a lolwut situation.  This is, in fact, a special lolwut situation. I’m not even angry; just sort of of… [DOES NOT COMPUTE]… bemused. To quote Eric Flint: Who ordered this?

Bleg for good texts on immediate post-WWI Germany and Russia.

Specifically, I need books that are readable, and not barking mad insane, on both 1920s German radical groups and the Russian communist factional rivals to the Bolsheviks.  I’m not one for obsessive historical research – I think that doing that often gets people stuck in neutral when they should be writing – but it wouldn’t hurt this one time to know just who all the players were.  And, yeah, I read Pirate Utopia, but that’s pretty much Italian-themed and I’m going to be leaving Mussolini right where I found him.

Tweet of the Day, This Is Actually A PG Wodehouse Dedication edition.

I couldn’t quite believe it, myself, but a Google Books result for Wodehouse’s ‘autobiography with digressions’ Over Seventy confirms this one, so…

Yes, I looked it up.  How long have I been doing this, again?  You gotta look up everything.


Book of the Week: Firestar.

Firestar by Michael Flynn was written in 1996, and I’m increasingly reminded of it every time I read something on private space projects. I suspect that my readers who are unfamiliar with the book (basically, space opera of the near-future) will find it of no little interest: in particular, the way that ‘corporate’ is not used as a dirty word. I am mildly startled that it’s not available for the Kindle, but sometimes there are logistical issues involved.

And so, adieu to Bookburners. Wow, that one went fast.

Book of the Week: Bookburners.

Bookburners is this ensemble novel written by Max Gladstone, Margaret Dunlap, Mur Lafferty, and Brian Francis Slattery, or perhaps ‘episodic’ is more the right word.  It reads a lot like a season-long television series would (the subtitle is even ‘Season One’), which is not actually a bad thing in this context. You see, the Bookburners in question work for a secret anti-magic Vatican task force that captures evil books before the books in question eat any more people*; which, you have to admit, is not a bad concept for a TV show.  You get the feeling that the authors would very much like to get optioned for this one, and I freely admit: I’d watch it.

And so, adieu to The Warlock In Spite of Himself. Continue reading Book of the Week: Bookburners.

Disney figures out how to get a sequel for Rogue One.

It’s a book called… Inferno Squad. And I’ll allow it:

The Rebellion may have heroes like Jyn Erso and Luke Skywalker. But the Empire has Inferno Squad. After the humiliating theft of the Death Star plans and the resulting destruction of the battle station, the Empire is on the defensive. In response to this stunning defeat, the Imperial Navy has authorized the formation of an elite team of soldiers, known as Inferno Squad. Their mission: infiltrate and eliminate the remnants of Saw Gerrera’s Partisans. Following the death of their leader, the Partisans have carried on his extremist legacy, determined to thwart the Empire — no matter what the cost. Now, Inferno Squad must prove their status as the best of the best and take down the Partisans from within. But as the danger intensifies and the threat of discovery grows, how far will Inferno Squad go to ensure the safety of the Empire?

Continue reading Disney figures out how to get a sequel for Rogue One.