Book of the Week: The Monuments Men.

Ended up never seeing the movie, but Robert Edsel’s The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History was a good read. And, to be fair: rescuing Europe’s stolen masterpieces was a genuine mitzvah. The Nazis would have destroyed all of them out of spite, and the Soviets would have just stolen them themselves. Such is the way of the barbarian.

And so, adieu to Lord of Janissaries.


Yeah, sorry, had a story get away from me.

By almost a thousand words, no less.  It took me a while to subdue it into submission.  And you know how it is, with stories; it you don’t get it all down while the creative juices are flowing, you’ll end up wishing that you had. I mean, just go ask Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Anyway, I think that I’m calling it a night tonight.  Seriously, all my creative juices are burnt out. I may just go to sleep.

It was apparently National Poetry Day in England… today? Yesterday?

The time zone thing makes this awkward. Anyway, sure, why not?  I wrote this years and years and years ago.  My old SCA Barony in the East Kingdom is Carillion, and we did bells.  So, hey, bell motif.

Here We Go, Boys – Google Docs

Continue reading It was apparently National Poetry Day in England… today? Yesterday?

There’s a Jane Austen MMO (@naominovik, call your agent)…

…and Ever, Jane looks like it does what Austen readers want it to:

Continue reading There’s a Jane Austen MMO (@naominovik, call your agent)…

Book of the Week: Lord of Janissaries.

Lord of Janissaries is everything in the Janissaries series of ‘medieval warfare on alien planet’ that Jerry Pournelle wrote (with the collaboration of Roland Green). Alas, the recent passing of Mr. Pournelle may result in the long-awaited fourth book in the series (Malamukes) being published posthumously.  I say alas, of course, because I’d rather have Jerry Pournelle back.

And so, adieu to The Mucker.

Book of the Week: The Mucker.

The Mucker by Edgar Rice Burroughs is frankly speculative. S.M. Stirling casually referenced it in his new book The Black Chamber — which promises to be a text guaranteed to make people’s teeth grind in a most ecumenical fashion — and apparently it’s supposed to be one of ERB’s underrated works.  So, hey, I grabbed it, and I’ll read it after I finish the latest Eric Flint EARC. Why not?

And so, adieu to King David’s Spaceship. Continue reading Book of the Week: The Mucker.

The GURPS Traveller Bundles of Holding.

Yes, bundles.  There’s GURPS Traveller Essentials, and GURPS Traveller Wars. The first Bundle of Holding includes a book (GURPS Traveller Starports) written by John M. Ford, and that’s worth it all by itself. I still miss the guy.

Anyway, I have the originals in print, and it’s a tight series; you’ll like it.  It’s also an alternate of the original timeline, mind you: no assassination of the Emperor, no collapse of civilization, and no New Era stuff.  So it might be a little odd-looking to any real grognards perusing it…

So, hey, I sold a thing (part of the “Pickman’s Gallery” anthology).

Ulthar Press’s “Pickman’s Gallery” anthology. It’ll be coming out next February.  The story in question is called “Pickman’s Model” — why, no, I am completely dead to shame — and it would be lovely if people picked up a copy of this book, when it comes out.  Or even gave it a nice review on social media, once they’ve read it. I can’t speak to the other stories, but they must be equivalent in quality to mine; and my story is of course absolutely awesome.

Moe Lane

PS Trust me: when this book has ordering information I will absolutely tell you what it is.

Book of the Week: King David’s Spaceship.

King David’s Spaceship was written by the, alas, late Jerry Pournelle; and if you have not read it, it is an excellent story that manages to incorporate espionage, medieval-era combat, and interstellar travel into a seamless mass that only looks easy when you’re not trying to duplicate the trick. Not his best-known work, but I think that I read this before I really got into anything else that Pournelle wrote. Go check it out; I wonder where my own copy is.

And so, adieu to Golden Age and Other Stories.