The ‘The Gifted’ TV trailer.

Definitely part of the X-Men universe: at one point somebody says that they don’t even know if the X-Men or the Brotherhood even exist anymore. …You and me both, friend. You and me both.

But The Gifted  might not be bad!  There’s often a disconnect between a studio’s movies and its television series. Just because Fox can’t consistently catch fire with its Marvel cinematic properties doesn’t mean that the TV shows will automatically suck.  I think. I hope. Let’s be optimistic about it.

The Vanity Fair ‘Anne with an E’ review, or: “There Is a Red Haze Across My Vision*.”

It is a rare thing when I read a Vanity Fair article and find nothing in it worth starting a squabble with the author over: but it happens, every so often.  Joanna Robinson has reviewed the Netflix series Anne with an E (because apparently Anne of Green Gables was deemed to be a title that was not able to move the product**), and while she does not actually come out and say that she’s ready to grab a bullwhip and and a pitchfork and go chastise the wicked, I suspect that Ms. Robinson would not be adverse to joining the mob. Because it’s Anne of Green Gables, that’s why. Continue reading The Vanity Fair ‘Anne with an E’ review, or: “There Is a Red Haze Across My Vision*.”

The ‘Fifty Shades Darker’ Honest Trailer. (NSFW)

This movie… almost broke them. You can see the ragged edge of sanity in a couple of places. It is also, alas, probably not safe to watch at work, partially because it discusses various forms of fetish activities but mostly because it’s about Fifty Shades Darker and you have a reputation to protect.  This is one of those series that people inexplicably go to, but nobody ever wants to admit to it.  Or, at least, nobody I know ever wants to admit to it. Which may suggest that I have a fairly hefty unconscious social filter in place.


Right.  Here’s the Honest Trailer.

This new “Cars 3” trailer reminds me of an anecdote.

So, first, Cars 3 trailer. Anecdote afterward.

Back in the day – more than a decade ago? Really?  – anyway, I was at some political conference or other with the rest of the RedState crew and we were going through what political conferences painfully consider to be ‘vendor rooms.’  God, but those things were nightmarish. Literally, in the sense that everything was just off and wrong and didn’t have anything that I consider to be necessary parts of a vendor room. Continue reading This new “Cars 3” trailer reminds me of an anecdote.

Well, this is potentially disappointing news about the King Arthur flick.

It was not received well.

I’m kind of used to critics not liking the films that I like, but that 23% is pretty danged grim. I’m hoping that they’re all just appalled that Guy Ritchie laughed maniacally and went nuts with the King Arthur legend.  I mean, that I don’t mind at all.

Still seeing it tomorrow, though.

The ORIGINAL ‘Hot Wheels Stunt Race’ YouTube video, done by Mark Rober.

I saw a cut-down copy of this on Facebook, but the full version is both cool, and not ripping off the original artist.  Because Mark Rober worked a LOT on this Hot Wheels Stunt Race video.  So much so that I felt morally obligated to find his original.

Bad news on that X-Men sequel scheduled for 2018: it’s still happening.

But they’re going to do Deadpool 2 the same year, so it’s OK after all.

Deadpool 2, X-Men: The New Mutants and X-Men: Dark Phoenix all ready to hit screens next year… The first to arrive in cinemas will be The New Mutants on April 13, 2018, followed a couple of months later by Deadpool 2 on June 1, 2018… Last but not least, Dark Phoenix will be warming up cinemas from November 2, 2018, which gives production plenty of time to find a director.

Continue reading Bad news on that X-Men sequel scheduled for 2018: it’s still happening.