‘Almost cracked’ is doing a lot of heavy lifting in ‘Silent Running.’ A lot of heavy lifting. Putting individual humans in solitary orbit for five years will result in a lot of psychological pressure. Depending on who you ask, it’s either fortunate or unfortunate that most of those volunteers managed to sustain themselves on a diet of pure rage…
Category: Patreon
Patreon Microfiction: MYOB.
The humans in ‘MYOB’ instinctively distrust any suggestions that they, well, MYOB. It feels unnatural. Besides, what if the war suddenly becomes their business. Best to be prepared, right?
Patreon Microfiction: They Get Dental, Too.
For some reason, it always strikes people as odd that bookkeeping can seduce a certain sort of mind away from magic. Magic can blow up, man. Nobody ever got eaten by a demon for being to unable to reconcile a three-copper shortfall. …And, yes: “They Get Dental, Too.”
The May Patreon stuff is up!
That story didn’t want to gel, for the longest time. Finally did, though.
- Short Story: Deseret Horse. Oh, hey, it’s Rex Fang-Blade and Tabetha Frei. Still not entirely happy with that title.
- RPG Material: Resurgence, Part Two: The Age of Wonders. Tried to keep it from being entirely happy-shiny.
The latest installment of THE BOLD MARAUDER is up!
And getting this done was ‘heroic effort’ territory. My eldest needed my help this afternoon, you see. Something he ordered turned out to have ‘some assembly required,’ which meant trips to get things like epoxy — and debonding agents. I’m lucky that I got anything done today.
Anyway: the latest installment of THE BOLD MARAUDER. Enjoy!
Patreon Microfiction: Horror Without Lovecraft.
It is not an exaggeration to say that Horror Without Lovecraft would be an entirely different genre. Or, possibly, subgenre. I mean, people do like to be scared, so chilling stories and novels would still exist. But the impact of “Supernatural Horror in Literature” in creating the horror genre as its own thing, independent of other types of genre fiction, was profound. So much so that modern popular fiction would look utterly different without it.
The April Patreon stuff is up!
Huzzah. It’s been a month.
- Short story: Flim-Flam Man. …That poor so-and-so. He’ll be horrified to hear that there’s a novel in there, just waiting to make his life miserable.
- RPG Material: Resurgence, Part One: The World Today. Just establishing the world, and what things will diverge from.
Enjoy! Or sign up! Or both!
Patreon Microfiction: Bean Counting.
I don’t need to explain ‘Bean Counting’ to you. You’re all humans. You all got it right away.
The March Patreon stuff is up!
I had to abandon a story with ten days to go, then finish another one that I abandoned a while back, and I know that this breaks a bunch of writing rules, supposedly. And yet, there’s a short story up. So I don’t know how you score that.
- Short Story: DOCTOR RYPMAW’S METHOD. This rather badly wanted to be cosmic horror, but I wasn’t having any of that.
- RPG Material: THE RESURGANCE, PART 1. We’re starting a new RPG setting! This one is more or less in the superhero genre. Also, it’ll be designed to be deliberately unstable! Whee!
Thanks for reading!
Patreon Microfiction: “It’s *Sort* of Humane.”
…Which is to say, dumping your undesirables into another timeline, naked, is not really humane at all*. I can’t imagine that the people living on the other side of “It’s Sort of Humane” enjoy being that first timeline’s dumping grounds, either. Well, that’s what they get for not inventing dimensional travel.
Moe Lane
*Honestly, this is a very grim piece. It’s just that all of the assumptions about what kind of worlds are involved are in my head, mostly because I didn’t want to inflict that particular bit of worldbuilding on the rest of you.