[Other] Tweet of the Day, Get My Patreon Up To $150/Month By Tomorrow And I Run This At A Con edition.

I am totally serious.  If my Patreon gets up to $150/month by this time tomorrow, I will run this sucker at a convention.  Presumably Washingcon – which means I’d be running two games there, because if I sign up to run Honey Heist at that con then I’ll do another one.

Your move, Internet.

Roadshrine America [Unknown Armies]

This is an example of what they call ‘gutter magic’ in Unknown Armies. Not adept-level, not avatar-based, all kind of coincidental, but works all the same.

Roadshrine America – Google Docs


Roadshrine America

[Unknown Armies]

You’ve seen the shrines on the highways, right?  Sometimes it’s a bunch of flags on the overpass, or cups stuck in the chain link fence there that spell out a message. And sometimes it’s a forlorn-looking cross and flowers against a tree or some other landmark. You see them, you drive past, you maybe wonder a little about why people do that sort of thing. Well, the answer of course is: “Some people are passionate/obsessed” (depending on whether you agree with the sentiment being expressed, or not). And that original passion and/or obsession has nothing much to do with anything that the occult underground does. Oh, there are plenty of patriotic or bereaved occultists out there. No question about that: but when a roadside shrine is put up, it’s generally magically inert.

Continue reading Roadshrine America [Unknown Armies]

Call for playtesters for Fall of Delta Green (second play-through).

This one will be for next weekend: Friday or Saturday night, whichever one I can get players for.  8 PM Eastern time, probably a three hour session.  I ran it once already last weekend – all hail Constant Readers Brian Swisher and nicklevi86 for participating – and I’d like to get at least one more session in before the March 31st deadline.  I will supply character sheets and cheat sheets: people unfamiliar with GUMSHOE rules are welcome. It is a horror game, so fair warning there.

Contact me via comments here, on Twitter, my Contact link, or at moe-at-moelane-dot-com.

Johnny Cyclops And the Radioactive Boars [IN NOMINE]

People kept emailing me about the radioactive boars.  So… all right. I’ll write about them.


Johnny Cyclops And the Radioactive Boars – Google Docs


Johnny Cyclops And the Radioactive Boars


This is the hot new band in the Eastern European scene — at least, it will be, as soon as the final adjustments and tweaks get made.  “Johnny Cyclops and the Radioactive Boars” is technically a British rock band with heavy punk influences and an attitude to match, but lead singer Johnny Cyclops (so named because he only has one eye) is of Greek ancestry, and apparently has the knack of writing and belting out songs that resonate with quite a bunch of people in the Balkans. Doesn’t hurt that they’re all fairly multilingual, either.  The region is going to love these guys.

Continue reading Johnny Cyclops And the Radioactive Boars [IN NOMINE]

Tetrachromancy [GURPS 4e]

Tetrachromancy [17] – Google Docs

Tetrachromancy [17]


This particular magical advantage seems to be linked to places with higher than average levels of interdimensional travel.  Basically, it’s an occult mutation of the rods and cones of the human eye that allows someone with this advantage ‘see’ Gates – more specifically, it allows them to see the lingering radiation that’s produced as a by-product from the imposition of a Gate (magical or otherwise) onto the landscape. The ability only works in areas of low mana and above, and anybody with Tetrachromancy is already a mage, albeit a very basic one.

Continue reading Tetrachromancy [GURPS 4e]

Pelgrane Press’s “The Yellow King RPG” Kickstarter to start soon.

Today in Shut up and take my money, damn your eyes:

Pelgrane Press is terrified to announce that The Yellow King Roleplaying Game is coming soon to a Kickstarter near you.

Written and designed by GUMSHOE master Robin D. Laws, YKRPG takes you on a brain-bending spiral through multiple selves and timelines.

Continue reading Pelgrane Press’s “The Yellow King RPG” Kickstarter to start soon.

Adventure Seed: Avenging the Cores.

I’ll be honest with you: I have no idea why somebody would flat-out steal an entire research facility.  Fortunately, when you have the right kind of players, you don’t need a reason. You just pick the one that your players like best and run with it.  This is Secret GM Knowledge: feel free to feel honored by it.

Avenging the Cores – Google Docs

Avenging the Cores

Somebody has kidnapped the Austin Core Research Center. For those that don’t know, said center is a part of the University of Texas’s Bureau of Economic Geology; it’s a storage / research facility for core samples taken from well drillings.  Which is a very useful resource for geologists and engineers to have, yes, but it’s not exactly something that you’d expect to be kidnapped.  And ‘kidnapped’ is the right word: the entire building has been removed, right down to the foundation (fortunately and oddly, the cleaning staff was left behind).

Why, yes, it would be nice to know how that trick was handled.

Continue reading Adventure Seed: Avenging the Cores.

Creature seed: Bloodworld Vampires.

This concept intrigues me.

Bloodworld Vampires – Google Docs

Bloodworld Vampires


The ‘Bloodworld’ being, of course, ours.  The vampires are only somewhat from this planet: the rest of them comes from the dark, cold, and dry depths of space.  Bloodworld Vampires are a terrifying combination of infectious agent, spy, and harvester.  But they’re not here to invade, any more than the farmer invades his orchard.

Continue reading Creature seed: Bloodworld Vampires.

Evil Hat Productions offers a PDF Guarantee to people buying their games at gaming stores.

It’s pretty straightforward.

…I also suspect that, no, Amazon purchases don’t count.  The idea is to specifically encourage purchases at gaming stores, after all. Encouraging Amazon sales wouldn’t really have the same effect.

Moe Lane

PS: Free RPG Day is June 17th, for those who were wondering. Interestingly, there’s some support for TORG Eternity in there, which suggests that there really will be a Kickstarter for that game soon…