Guess I have to start adding ‘no anti-Semites’ to my ‘no AI’ and ‘no slave labor’ hard limits.

Believe me, I’m not thrilled that I have to actually type that out, either. Context: this contest is being held at GenCon, which is undoubtedly stretching the ‘anti-Zionism isn’t anti-Semitism!’ fig leaf to ridiculous limits as cover right now. Kind of glad I wasn’t going to be attending GenCon anyway, if I’m being honest…

So that Cozy Halloween thing I was working on is getting split up.

The big-picture one I had shown to my Patreon group was something they liked, but they were more grooving on the idea of doing a kind of smaller town-type situation. They were also heavily down on the idea of cowboy witches with horses, which is good, because that one was non-negotiable anyway. So I came up with an alternate town map for that, and will be putting together a treatment for our next session. This is all in fun, mind you: I’d like to do some collaboration with other RPG writers and artists. This isn’t going to be commercial, in other words.

Continue reading So that Cozy Halloween thing I was working on is getting split up.

The Matter of Chicago [The Day After Ragnarok]

There’s a little project that I’d like to do for The Day After Ragnarok, assuming they ever bring back the game line. Alas, there’s one big problem: I’d have to write up Chicago. For a game setting written by Ken Hite.

Well, you solve big problems by turning them into smaller ones. Like setting the parameters, at least.

Continue reading The Matter of Chicago [The Day After Ragnarok]

Something that I’m working on.

It’s not going to be something that I’m working on here, though. There’s a group of Patreon creators that I’m hanging with, and we were talking about doing a collaborative project. I had a thought of a Cozy Halloween piece, so rejoice! This is part of my creative vision, which will absolutely not survive the feedback process. Nor do I want it to, but if I can keep the broad outlines I’ll be happy.

Note: this isn’t true alternate history. Also note: this absolutely draws from anime and animation. Well-spotted!

The Songs of the Spellbound Sea Kickstarter.

Specifically, Songs of the Spellbound Sea: Nautical Adventures for 5E! No AI art and I’m pretty sure they’re not using Chinese slave labor. A pretty good dude from my Patreon RPG weekly Zoom-up (or whatever we call them) is involved in the project, and he knows how I feel about that stuff. Besides, the turnaround time is definitely not taking ‘ship this from China to England and the US’ into consideration. Plus, I told him that they should have little dinosaur parrot-equivalents for the ‘dinosaur jungle’ stretch goal, and he might even actually bring that up.

I figure, all in all, it’s at least worth a digital backing. Especially the entire idea of pirates + dinosaurs. That’s gaming gold. GOLD, JERRY!

The May Patreon stuff is up!

That story didn’t want to gel, for the longest time. Finally did, though.