In fact, the reaction to the Sparkman suicide…

does say a lot about political discussion in this country.


What it says is “Wow, but there are a lot of bigoted people among the Online Left.” What makes this really funny is that these posts were spit out as automatic links to the HuffPo’s very stiff admission that Sparkman hanged himself for the insurance money. Enjoy them while they’re there…

Via JammieWearingFool.

Moe Lane

So… Thanksgiving, then.

No change in the baby’s status and my wife has decided to defrost the blackberries for her signature blackberry pie. Therefore, the child will make his appearance on Thursday.

Well, begin as you mean to go on, I suppose. Both sides of his family have a long, treasured, and proud history of being unmitigated pains in the ass.

Moe Lane

PS: Does anybody actually care about this? Obviously, it’s important to me and taking up a lot of my time, but that’s not the same thing as being interesting.

The War on Empty Nest Syndrome.

Credit the Democrats for this exciting new development in mental health issues. Parents having problems with their kids moving out and leaving them alone? Easily solved: make it so that they can’t move out.

WASHINGTON – Faced with limited job options, many young adults are turning to an old standby to weather the recession: moving back in with mom and dad.

Nearly 1 in 7 parents with grown children say they had a “boomerang kid” move back home in the past year, according to a study released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center. In a turnabout in the rite of passage in which a college graduate finds a job and an apartment, many are returning to their parents’ empty nests because of tight finances or as they pursue an advanced degree.

Brilliant. (H/T: Instapundit)

Moe Lane

“Boomerang kids?” Ye gods and little fishes.

Legal Insurrection calls out Online Left for retractions, apologies.

And no doubt unicorn rides, seeing as the third is just as likely to happen as the first two.

In case you’re wondering, this call is due to the announcement that census worker Bill Sparkman killed himself for the insurance money (H/T: R.S. McCain) – which means that he was not murdered by conservative monsters from the id, or murdered for ideological purposes – or, in fact, was murdered at all.  I’m sure that this would be an embarrassment for everyone on the Other Side who flogged this particular narrative, except this would imply that they cared about Sparkman in the first place.  Which they didn’t, so expect a grudging bare minimum, at best.

Moe Lane

PS: For the record: when you try to set up your suicide to make it look like you’ve been murdered by your ideological opponents, you have officially abrogated any obligation for me to be upset at your plight.

Crossposted to RedState.

Yes. That Lamont primary challenge worked out *so* well.

Erick Erickson over at RedState covered this already:

Lieberman Digs In on Public Option
Sen. Joseph Lieberman, speaking in that trademark sonorous baritone, utters a simple statement that translates into real trouble for Democratic leaders: “I’m going to be stubborn on this.”

Stubborn, he means, in opposing any health-care overhaul that includes a “public option,” or government-run health-insurance plan, as the current bill does. His opposition is strong enough that Mr. Lieberman says he won’t vote to let a bill come to a final vote if a public option is included.

…but I cannot resist asking: does anybody over on the Other Side sometimes, ah, regret, aiming at a king – and missing?  I ask because this is the second time that Lieberman has been the grit in the gears for progressives: the last time was during the pre-Surge period, of course.  His mere presence in the 110th Congress meant that  Harry Reid couldn’t shut down the war before we could implement the standard American victory strategy*.  And now he seems happy to do it for government-option health care.  There’s obviously sound reasons for it – he goes into them – but, really, there’s a certain amount of blood-soaked revenge going on here.

I’ll spare you the lie about how I’m not enjoying this.  I am.  Even though I know that we’re still on track to get a no-public-option, no-abortion-funding monstrosity of a health care bill; honestly at this point there’s a certain fascination to seeing how much excrement that Congressional Democrats can dump on the sandwich and still be able to get its base to eat it.

Moe Lane

*Systematically flail about until we come across a working solution, then throw our essentially infinite logistics behind said solution and descend upon the enemy like an asteroid from orbit.  It’s not the most elegant strategy out there, but it works.

Crossposted to RedState.

Big Government: Hey, guess who dumped 20K documents in a dumpster?

Nine days after there was an announcement that their group was going to be investigated?  Yup, that’s right: ACORN.  San Diego office – just before California AG Jerry Brown came to visit.  Alas, if only somebody had had the foresight to wait for this sort of thing to happen, and retrieve the documents…

Oh.  Right.


They didn’t shred, they didn’t redact, and they threw out people’s sensitive and personal information – including things like copies of Social Security cards, W-4 forms, and driver’s licenses. I’m not a lawyer, but apparently that’s grounds for legal action right there; document disposal requirements are very, very strict.  Which is why the local ACORN branch is trying the novel ‘Oops, fall cleaning‘ excuse.

Which almost might be believable, except of course for the underage El Salvadoran illegal immigrant brothel thing.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Governor-elects Christie, McDonnell fib at the RGA shindig.

They were asked why they didn’t bring in former Governor Sarah Palin to campaign for them in Virginia & New Jersey, and both of them made what are entirely excusable fibs about scheduling conflicts and the need to stay focused on state-specific problems.  Come, I will hide nothing from you: they didn’t bring her in because both of them concluded that her reputation had taken a hit and had not recovered enough.


Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.