In which I offer some distilled writing truth bombs.

I feel that this does sum it all up, although I could edit it a bit.

04/20/2024 Snippet, FLIM-FLAM MAN.

Gregor may have made a bit of a mistake.

Not bad, he decided as he left the squalid little shop behind him. That little performance probably got me the from-around-here rate. Or at least the not-worth-robbing rate. A lot of places in the Twenty Realms saw solitary travelers as easy meat, and the worst ones meant that literally. Camiron didn’t feel that bad, but there was no sense in looking for trouble —

A shout from an alleyway ahead of him, followed shortly by a scream, reminded Gregor that trouble didn’t actually need to be searched for. Sometimes, it was going to show up, right in front of you.

Gregor was very good at calculating odds, and he worked them through as he ran to the alleyway. There probably wouldn’t be more than two attackers, this wasn’t a town so rich that the bravos wore chainmail, and he had a staff. If he was wrong about the first two considerations, he could always run. If he wasn’t, they probably had stuff in their pockets. Nobody minded when you robbed a cutthroat. It was funny!

A part of him still seemed a little taken back about actually involving himself in a fight, but Gregor ignored that. Sometimes you had to play the odds a little. Bet bigger, win bigger.

Book of the Week: Celestial Matters.

Celestial Matters really should be available on Kindle, not that this is Richard Garfinkle’s fault. I can almost guarantee that the reason it’s not is because the rights haven’t reverted, and Tor Books can’t be arsed to digitalize it themselves. I mean, what’s in it for them? It’s just a hard science fiction novel where the physics are Aristotelian and the cosmology Ptolemaic. Who on Earth would want to read that?

…I’m being sarcastic. And quietly grateful that, for better or worse, I’m unlikely to ever have this particular problem.

My 2024 Con schedule, to date.

It’s starting to fill up!

Still looking for more venues, so if you know any local to me, let me know. And, as always: if you can’t wait, buy my books!