Thick As A Brick (Edit No 1), Jethro Tull
Thick As A Brick (Edit No 1), Jethro Tull
Youngest Kid’s computer isn’t booting up. I suspect the hard drive may be hosed, and they want ridiculous amounts of money to recover those. I’ve already made an appointment with somebody in town to take a look at it tomorrow, though.
Time to see what’s freaking out Charlie Stross this month! A CONVENTIONAL BOY is about D&D, so your guess is as good as mine. Presumably… never mind. That thought is unkind of me.
Sorry: it’s the usual problem. Charles Stross is an excellent writer who gets frightened over things that don’t particularly scare me. It really makes it hard to contemplate his books as horror, sometimes.
Or, today is the day I’m learning how to prep images for a printer. I feel bad for the poor woman having to walk me through this. On the other hand, it’s pretty clear by now that I’m ordering art prints from this company, so I guess it’ll all work out. It’s probably not such an annoyance if you know there’s a chance for some long-term business.
Now I just have to figure out how much to sell them for. 11×14 probably… ten bucks, maybe? Five? Depends, really. I’m probably doing other things wrong, but what the heck. It’s a learning experience.
Moe Lane
PS: It’s also a cash outflow, so buy my books, check out my Patreon, and sign up for my Backerkit. Or buy me a Ko-fi. Or… ehh, that’s probably enough.
Gang of Rhythm, Walk Off The Earth
It’s supposed to get all the way up to the balmy forties this weekend, and I for one cannot wait. I just don’t like the cold. One nice thing about living in Maryland now. It simply doesn’t freeze down here like it does even up in New Jersey.
You have to wonder. Anyway, I’ve seen this myself, and as a reader, I find it annoying. Mind you, as a writer it just puts more money in the pockets of independent authors, so that’s something, at least. Speaking of… buy my books!
As in, vending table. So far, I’ve got:
I need a decent mix of free stuff, cheap stuff, and decently-priced stuff. What else am I missing?
I have been reminded that I have one. God, I really do have the ‘artist who is clueless about merchandising’ trope down, don’t I? I’m not even mad. I don’t know how to do calculus or drive a big rig, either. There’s a lot of useful skills out there, you know. I can’t be expected to learn them all.