@HPLHS’s THE CALL OF CTHULHU and THE WHISPERER IN DARKNESS now available on Tubi for free.

I’ve been meaning to mention this for a bit. THE CALL OF CTHULHU / THE WHISPERER IN DARKNESS are the HPL Historical Society’s forays into filmmaking, and both are excellent reproductions of Lovecraft’s stories (people seem to like the first one better*, but I enjoy them both). Tubi has them up for free, but you’ll have to deal with ads. Such is life.

Moe Lane

Continue reading @HPLHS’s THE CALL OF CTHULHU and THE WHISPERER IN DARKNESS now available on Tubi for free.

Gird Thy Loins: James Wan to take a stab at a Call of Cthulhu movie.

Oh, boy: “Director James Wan is about to embark on a wild journey as he is developing a feature film adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s iconic short story The Call of Cthulhu. It was also announced that there will be a video game developed based on the movie.” See Deadline for more.

Continue reading Gird Thy Loins: James Wan to take a stab at a Call of Cthulhu movie.

The Claudia Christian’s Musketeers vs. Cthulhu RPG Kickstarter.

Note the name: Claudia Christian’s Musketeers vs. Cthulhu RPG. When it comes to marketing, Nightfall Games knows what they’re about. I am not so much part of the target demographic as I am contentedly living in its bullseye. Oh, and I asked, so that you don’t have to: it’s ethically sourced. They’re printing it in either England, or Lithuania.

Moe Lane

PS: The comic book series that the Kickstarter is based off of is apparently upcoming. I have no more information about it, but would love to hear some.

Chaosium reveals ELDER, The Call of Cthulhu AI Chatbot.

Elder is trained exclusively on Call of Cthulhu, huh? …Gee, I can’t think how that could possibly go tentacle-shaped.

I kid, I kid! This is a smart concept. It’s perfectly ethical, too: the developers are officially working with Chaosium to create something that can be used to deal with rules questions and whatnot. They’re only using Chaosium’s own stuff, too, so there’s no worries there (they also explicitly promise that they’re not using AI-generated art in any way). Frankly, I wouldn’t mind something like this for GURPS.

The Miskatonic Playhouse’s ‘The Dragon of Wantley’ drops tomorrow.

This looks interesting!

This is “an actual play video and podcast with regular guests and community scenarios” being put up by The Miskatonic Playhouse, which sounds… kind of neat, really. I don’t watch this sort of thing normally, but something about this tickles my fancy. Maybe it’s the promise of production values. Or I’m just curious to see what gaming looks like as a spectator sport, these days.

Continue reading The Miskatonic Playhouse’s ‘The Dragon of Wantley’ drops tomorrow.

@HPLHS’s “I can’t personally justify it but it’s worth every penny” CALL OF CTHULHU CLASSIC GAMER PROP SET.

Short version: Chaosium did a Kickstarter last year to reprint some classic Call of Cthulhu RPG supplements from the 1980s. The HPL Historical Society has gone out and done props for all of them: “These props go with the supplements reprinted as part of the Call of Cthulhu Classic set, which includes the original Call of Cthulhu RulebookThe Cthulhu Companion, Fragments of Fear, The Asylum & Other Tales, Trail of Tsathoggua, and Shadows of Yog-Sothoth.

The CoC Classic Gamer Prop Set will set you back a cool hundred bucks, and I don’t have the space for the props in question – but the HPLHS is the gold standard when it comes to game props. They just get it. If you’re a CoC gamer, you’ll get your money’s worth out of this deal.

The Call of Cthulhu Classic Kickstarter.

Specifically, the forty year anniversary reprinting of the original boxed edition of the Call Of Cthulhu RPG. This is old-school stuff, friends: Chaosium scanned near-mint versions of the originals, cleaned them up, added little extras, and now here it is. I should also note that I checked, and Chaosium is planning to print this in Europe: i.e., not via slave labor. We all remember the wretched Sassoon Files affair, I’m sure…


BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS has arrived! I’ve wanted this supplement for a while, now. Just… not enough to spend hundreds of dollars on it, mind you.