$70 to go to $500/year!

I know that this seems like a weird sort of goal, but there’s a point to it. See, the goal for 2023 will be to break four figures a year from my writing; and while my Patreon will be invaluable in that regard (and conventions will help a lot), Amazon is where I need to be selling. So, buy my books! They make excellent Christmas gifts, I’m morally certain of it.

Continue reading $70 to go to $500/year!

Behold! The Based Black Friday/Cyber Monday Book Sale!

I’m in on this one with FROZEN DREAMS. 99 cents on Kindle! Tell all your friends! Heck, tell your enemies, too, assuming that they happen to take your book recommendations seriously.

And check out the rest of the book sale! Fan favorites and nonfiction!



This is going to be the best post-apocalyptic high urban fantasy pulp detective novel you will read today! Join Shamus Tom Vargas as he Clears a murder Case in Cin City, capital of the magical kingdom of New California. It’s his job; in fact, you might say it’s his calling.


It’s been a weird couple of days.

Youngest child vomiting, wife underwent a routine yet draining medical procedure (everything is fine), and my schedule went squirrelly (and since school starts for the kids next Monday, it’s not a great time). Also, somebody’s put up a post about FROZEN DREAMS, because I’ve been moving copies for the last two days. Whoever it is: thanks! It’s been a big help. Every book I sell is a chance to build my audience.

So, mixed bag all around. I think I need a nap.


The TINSEL RAIN alpha edits are done!

Huzzah! I’ll be collecting emails from everybody who volunteered to beta read tonight and send over the text tomorrow. Looking forward to getting more feedback. And starting the Kickstarter, so that I can maybe pay for this sucker. And, of course, publishing TINSEL RAIN…

Moe Lane

PS: Don’t forget to indoctrinate your friends!

Alpha reader revisions of the first two chapters of TINSEL RAIN done!

…Damn, I forget how long these take. And how weirdly tiring they are. But they gotta get done.

While you’re waiting for me to finish my next novel, why not read FROZEN DREAMS, my first one? It’ll be fun! It’ll also make it easier for me to be able to pay for more books.

Continue reading Alpha reader revisions of the first two chapters of TINSEL RAIN done!

See what people are saying about FROZEN DREAMS!

The TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter starts in six weeks, so it’s time to remind folks about FROZEN DREAMS. See this blurb? It’s a great blurb:

  • “Elaborate, strange and unpredictable, Moe has created a vivid world that feels as if Mickey Spillane and J.R.R. Tolkien went out drinking and merged their mindsets in a buzzed brainstorming session. Snarky, smart, and fast-moving, all served up in rat-a-tat-tat tough guy patter. If Sam Spade played Dungeons and Dragons, it would turn out something like Frozen Dreams.”- Jim Geraghty, author of The Weed Agency and Between Two Scorpions

And, from the reviews:

Continue reading See what people are saying about FROZEN DREAMS!