As I’ve said before: when you’re trying to break into the e-book market, you should not set things up so that prospective writers have to rent the worst word processor on the market in order to submit their texts. On the other hand: my cosmic horror science fiction novel GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND will be on sale for 99 cents this week, so it’ll all work out for somebody. You gotta accentuate the positive, in this fallen world of ours.

Continue reading GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is now on 99 cent SUPER SPITE SALE!

The GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND 99 cent Spite Sale starts tomorrow! (Also: merch link.)

So buy GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND tonight, read it, and recommend it to all your friends! Be the hero to you peers that you were always meant to be. You can do it. I believe in you.

Failing that: there are fridge magnets now! Plus, stickers, prints, and even more stuff – but fridge magnets for certain. Pick a couple up, if you like. I’m curious as to how they sell.


The For Pure Spite’s Sake GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND 99 cent sale starts Monday.

Why spite? Because at first I was going to try and put GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND on other digital platforms besides Amazon’s. However, when I tried to put it on Barnes & Noble, I discovered that it would be impossible to do, as B&N simply doesn’t want any format that isn’t Word. …I am not going to spend money to rent the [expletive deleted]iest word processor program on the market today. I’m certainly not going to do it just to put my books on a platform that’s an afterthought in the e-book industry.

So… GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND will be on 99 cent Kindle sale, starting on Monday. B&N’s loss is your gain.


GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is now on Kindle Unlimited out of sheer SPITE.

Why? Because I just spent the last two hours pounding my head against Barnes & Noble. It hates every format that isn’t Microsoft Word, Microsoft Word forgets to tell you that its web version can’t do section breaks, and Microsoft’s app version would cost me $70 bucks a year. You want to know why you can’t crack the [expletive deleted] independent e-book market, Barnes & Noble? This is precisely why you can’t crack it. Amazon wants my [expletive deleted] book, and Nook does not.

You know what? To Hell with it. GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is now Kindle-exclusive, and it will be on Kindle 99 cent sale next month (the earliest I can do it). Suck on THAT, Barnes and Noble.



Guess I’m selling it at Stellar Con, then.

GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is now my fourth novel, which is just a little surreal. It’s also a departure from what I’ve been doing so far, so I’m more than a little nervous for it. I hope people like it…


GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is now available in paperback! (Hint: buy it!)

I guess it’s official: I have written and published four novels. Four! Bizarrely, I mildly hope this is making somebody out there vaguely nervous. I’m not entirely sure why.

At any rate: I will likely not have GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND available at Stellar Con, but DoxaCon’s looking good for that. I’m also going to have to redesign my table layout. Four novels, five chapbooks, and a short story collection takes up a bit of space, and it’s only going to get larger as the years go on. Maybe I should get one of those shelf thingies…


Now is the time to read *and review* GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND!

The print version of GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is off for review, and hopefully it’ll be approved in the next couple of days. Equally hopefully, I’ll have copies for Doxacon. In the meantime: once you’re done with the book, don’t forget to review it on Amazon and Goodreads! Reviews (and ratings) are the lifeblood of modern authors. The more there are, the more interest is taken in the book. The more interest is taken, the better the sale numbers — which is how you get authors to get more books published. ‘Tis the Circle of Print, although hopefully with fewer dead zebra.

Moe Lane

GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND now available for Kindle pre-order!

It drops Saturday. Just in time for Fright Reads!

Science Fiction! Horror! Adventure!

Something murdered the Galaxy. There was no warning, no explanation, and no mercy… except for humanity. Humans were the only sapients spared, and nobody knows why. Now Earth and her colonies gingerly explore the Tomb Worlds, picking through the ruins of dead civilizations for answers, or at least treasures. The researchers sent out can bring back wonders. If they survive.

Pamela Tanaka is the Chief Pilot for a research outpost on the terrifyingly comfortable world of One-Eighteen, and she is precisely where she wants to be. But when madness, murder, and mass sacrifice profane her chosen home, she must search for answers on her own – but not “before it’s too late.” Everybody who goes to the Tomb Worlds knows ‘too late’ has already come and gone.

You can pre-order GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND here.